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Everything posted by oldno82

  1. Well, it sure doesn't make me optimistic. Suggs is supposed to address the media on Wednesday. I think Dumerville will play this year but the rest have a lot to overcome and not much more time to do it.
  2. Fair deal for both sides. I just hope he doesn't pull a Cundiff collapse.
  3. A lot of it is going to be up to Joe and more importantly the protection he gets. I think the O-line is going to be good as long as our number one pans out.
  4. A 'work in progress' is an apt description of what the team will be this year. We are in a bad position of needing star players (Flacco, Smith, Suggs) who have been injured return to their previous ability. That will take time. Even into the regular season. And that's without any new injuries coming up in training camp, the pre-season, and regular season. It's a a tall order to envision this team in the playoffs but I'm a fan so the glass is half full.
  5. It was just OTA's but our secondary said he could fly.
  6. Training camp report date for rookies is July 22, for vets July 27. About 3 weeks from now. Soon we'll begin, just begin, to see how good or bad this team might be.
  7. You're right. It's too early to tell. We'll know a lot more after camp, the preseason, and the Bills game. As of now, I'd have say 7 wins is more realistic. Too many key players coming off serious injuries. They'll be better than last year but they need one more draft before the talent is all there.
  8. i think he's very serious this year too. He wants to show he's still a top flight receiver. Joe needs enough time to throw the ball to him. Also looking forward to the 5 tight ends we have and seeing if Trestman can use them all.
  9. We're only one month before camp. It's been a long offseason and I'm excited to see what team is going to show up. If Joe wasn't coming off an ACL tear, I'd be feeling pretty content with the offense.
  10. Two doctors, not treating him, comment on recovery time: http://www.baltimoresun.com/sports/ravens/bal-doctors-comment-on-breshad-perriman-s-injury-and-typical-recovery-for-similar-issues-20160620-story.html Looks like mid-late September before he can play if what they say is accurate.
  11. Yeah, things were getting out of hand with Monroe. He had to go. Don't want any negativity to affect the team, especially since it's so young..
  12. Yep it is great news. I hope the recovery goes like normal and not dragged out like last year. I don't think they'll rush him. Expect to see him sometime in the preseason if he has a normal healing process. I sure hope this is the last bad news for Perriman for a long time. He deserves a clean shot.
  13. I imagine Perriman is pretty down right now. His two injuries weren't due to a lack of training, exercise, and dedication. He has just been the victim of really bad luck that might kill his career. Plus he's been dealing with a stroke his father had. I hope he comes back.I kind of like this kid.
  14. Well I don't feel especially optimistic myself but it's wayyyy too early to predict wins and losses. Let's see how training camp and the preseason go first.
  15. No matter---Harbs should know better.
  16. Just read this: http://www.baltimoreravens.com/news/article-1/NFL-Ruling-Ravens-Lose-One-Week-Of-Organized-Team-Activities-Fined/2fb695d0-cde3-42a8-88d0-80bab5df8f93 I can't believe that this will have much effect on the Ravens training. On the other hand, the CBA is really ridiculous in spots.
  17. Those issues can be corrected with proper coaching. The pre-season games should be interesting provided he doesn't have another setback. For right now it was good just to see him practice a bit without a leg problem. I'm still not sold on his injury being a temporary thing. We'll see.
  18. He's moving well in that video. Now he has to stay healthy.
  19. Yeah, yeah I know it's just OTA's but I still found this video encouraging. http://www.baltimoreravens.com/videos/videos/First-Look-Breshad-Perriman-Practice-Highlights/fe5c516f-a09c-4018-8e0e-94966beb59b2
  20. My concern, aside from the lack of consistency in his hands, is can he get open, get deep in the NFL? The Ravens rarely go five wide, hurry up like the Cats did, but he is a hard worker, a fighter if you will, I love his "attitude" for the ball... I too like his work ethic and fight. I'd say he's got a 50-50 chance of playing this year.
  21. I think the O-line is going to be a strength this year. Urschell has already shown he can play guard and Ryan can back up center. Wagner will have solid year and Yanda is, well, he's Yanda. On the left tackle let Stanley and Munroe fight it out in camp and go with the best one. We win either way.
  22. DEE! Great to hear from you! It's been a long time. Yes, if that's the worst that happens this off-season I'll be happy.
  23. Yup. Anquan is a free agent.
  24. Good receivers and good passers are both needed for a successful passing game.
  25. Best idea I've heard in a long time.
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