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I can't take it anymore


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Who just lost another game for the Ravens? Joe Flacco, that's who. His three turnovers cost us 10 points, and another loss in a close game. How many times has this happened this year? Probably four.

I'm done. Like I said before, you can't win them all.

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It would be better to overthrow a WR than throw a pick 6. So if Joe is so fantastic lets look at his deal with respect to his peers. Joe is 6 yrs $120.6 to average $20.1 mil a yr. Rodgers is 5 yrs $110 to ave $22 mil a yr. Brady signed 3 yrs for $27 making it 9 per. Manning is at $96 over 5 yrs getting to 19.2. Finally we are at Brees with $100 over 5 yrs for an even $20 mil a yr. So I guess Joe is $11.1 mil better than Brady, 100k better than Brees, 900k better than Manning, and only $1.9 mil worse than rodgers.

Oh BTW I love the argument that Joe has crap WR's. And that makes my point. He needs more talent around him for him to be successful. Unlike him Brady can take the crap he has had all yr and scavenge wins. Joe is not in these guys solar system and should not be paid like it.

I put this on FB this morning.

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I put this on Facebook this morning:


I find it continually comical how much people harp on a contract amount and compare it to other players in the league ignoring of the often different circumstances of the other players contract such as the time the other player signed his deal or where that player was at in his or her career. I think it shows a fundamental misunderstanding of the financial aspects of the game. It makes as much sense to compare a current QBs contract to Joe Montana's 1988 contract and bitching about that.



I also posted:


Mondays? Am I right everyone? Whose got a case of the Mondays? This guy. Wheres my coffee?

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Spen...it's a good thing you still find it comical. At some point, it will stop being funny and just annoy the shit out of you. That's where I am.


I dont find losing comical at all. However they won the Super Bowl last year and its just a sporting event so I dont let it get me down too much. There is too much other real shit in life to get me down rather than following a sports team, which should be a fun diversion.


My 2nd comment was about the mostly inane comments put on Facebook and nothing to do with losing.

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I dont find losing comical at all. However they won the Super Bowl last year and its just a sporting event so I dont let it get me down too much. There is too much other real shit in life to get me down rather than following a sports team, which should be a fun diversion.


My 2nd comment was about the mostly inane comments put on Facebook and nothing to do with losing.


I was referring to the "fundamental misunderstanding of the financial aspects of the game".

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It's black and white not shades of gray, if Brady, Peyton, Rodgers and Brees make X and Joe is making X right along with them why would you not expect a similar result in what they all do on the field. A groupie will find all types of ways of trying to spin something that is so obvious, and that is JOE IS NOT HOLDING UP HIS END OF THE BARGAIN. point blank. Where and when they signed is all BUSH when it comes to results, of course you have to find a way to defend performances that are indefensible and what you people have come up with is lame. the guy is not performing up to the level of his contract. if we are not going to hold players accountable then so be it, but don't come on here complaining about what Ngata is or is not doing and then when somebody calls out your boy you start talking about where and when he signed because the same could be said about Ngata and Haynesworths contract, but that doesn't stop you from bitching about Ngata.

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It's black and white not shades of gray, if Brady, Peyton, Rodgers and Brees make X and Joe is making X right along with them why would you not expect a similar result in what they all do on the field. A groupie will find all types of ways of trying to spin something that is so obvious, and that is JOE IS NOT HOLDING UP HIS END OF THE BARGAIN. point blank. Where and when they signed is all BUSH when it comes to results, of course you have to find a way to defend performances that are indefensible and what you people have come up with is lame. the guy is not performing up to the level of his contract. if we are not going to hold players accountable then so be it, but don't come on here complaining about what Ngata is or is not doing and then when somebody calls out your boy you start talking about where and when he signed because the same could be said about Ngata and Haynesworths contract, but that doesn't stop you from bitching about Ngata.


I've read through your post, and appreciate your passion. However, I hate to break it to you, but there are apparently 50 shades of grey.

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Our offensive line played their butts off yesterday. But on one play, Joe drops back to throw a 10 yard outpattern. All he has to do is "lob" the ball over the DE's hands. Joe doesn't throw it "high" enough and what happens? 7 points the other way. We lose by 3. This stupidity has got to stop. Once again, it cost us a football game.

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Why are any of the 1-ring QBs making as much as Brady? Why aren't Ben and Eli the 2nd and 3rd highest paid QBs in the NFL? Why are Romo and Ryan making as much as Flacco?


It's all ebony and ivory...

it is black and white , Flacco is not performing so you add Ben, Eli, Ryan and Romo into the mix to justify his mediocre play but as a Ravens fan that doesn't justify his play. you're pretty much saying because these guys are playing mediocre (ben, Eli, romo ryan) then it's OK if Flacco plays mediocre. Where true ravens fans choose to hold Flacco up to the Brees Brady Peyton Rodgers standard and not give him a pass because they are groupies of flacco. Anyone who comes on here and accepts flaccos play because of romo ryan eli and Ben aren't getting it done is the definition of a groupie.

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The fact of the matter is that Joe played lights out elite in the playoffs last year and the Super Bowl. His contract was up. He had the team over a big barrel and that's why he got paid as much as he did.


The falloff this year is extremely disappointing and it's not all on the receivers or the line though both as a group have been woeful. Joe has to take his share of the blame. It is what it is.


The thing is, what can anybody do about it now???

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I haven't given up on this season or Joe but the only thing that can be done at this point is for Joe to raise his level of play. If he does that then we make the playoffs and make a run , if he doesn't we'll be picking in the top half of the draft

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it is black and white , Flacco is not performing so you add Ben, Eli, Ryan and Romo into the mix to justify his mediocre play but as a Ravens fan that doesn't justify his play. you're pretty much saying because these guys are playing mediocre (ben, Eli, romo ryan) then it's OK if Flacco plays mediocre. Where true ravens fans choose to hold Flacco up to the Brees Brady Peyton Rodgers standard and not give him a pass because they are groupies of flacco. Anyone who comes on here and accepts flaccos play because of romo ryan eli and Ben aren't getting it done is the definition of a groupie.


Flacco never has been and never will be as good as any of those 4. You're talking about 4 HOF'ers.


Your stubborness and ignorance on this issue doesn't make you a "true ravens fan". It simply makes you annoying. If you continue comparing Flacco to those 4 QBs, it also doesn't make you a "true ravens fan". It simply makes you stupid.

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Joe earned his fair share of the blame in yesterdays loss. If there's no turnovers on his part, then the Ravens win easy.


But remember....the defense did give up 23 points.


By my count they gave up 16 (Joe's pick six), which is a pretty decent job.


The defense has not been great, but its been consistenly decent. This team doesnt score enough. 14 points, 20, 17, 16, 18, 20, 20. Thats just not enough points in this era.

Edited by Spen
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By my count they gave up 16 (Joe's pick six), which is a pretty decent job.


The defense has not been great, but its been consistenly decent. This team doesnt score enough. 14 points, 20, 17, 16, 18, 20, 20. Thats just not enough points in this era.


True. The offense is 25th in scoring....that will get you 4-6.

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I've read through your post, and appreciate your passion. However, I hate to break it to you, but there are apparently 50 shades of grey.

It also leaves welts.


Why are any of the 1-ring QBs making as much as Brady? Why aren't Ben and Eli the 2nd and 3rd highest paid QBs in the NFL? Why are Romo and Ryan making as much as Flacco?


It's all ebony and ivory...

Just because Jerry Jones makes moronic contract doesn't mean you should also.


The fact of the matter is that Joe played lights out elite in the playoffs last year and the Super Bowl. His contract was up. He had the team over a big barrel and that's why he got paid as much as he did.


The falloff this year is extremely disappointing and it's not all on the receivers or the line though both as a group have been woeful. Joe has to take his share of the blame. It is what it is.


The thing is, what can anybody do about it now???

So 3 games outweigh 16?



Flacco never has been and never will be as good as any of those 4. You're talking about 4 HOF'ers.


Your stubborness and ignorance on this issue doesn't make you a "true ravens fan". It simply makes you annoying. If you continue comparing Flacco to those 4 QBs, it also doesn't make you a "true ravens fan". It simply makes you stupid.

But he is being paid like them so he needs to be held to their level. He eats up about the same cap space as they do so you expect him to do similar things.

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