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  On 5/17/2010 at 10:17 AM, RavenMad said:

I loved the Supernatural ending and I also hated it. It really did feel like a Series ending show rather than a season ending one and they threw in that last scene just to be able to bring us back for another season. I think they could probably have done without that scene and I would have loved it more.


Yeah. And may I just say:



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Perhaps Dee, or is he:



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Food for thought. That is why it would have been such a great ending. It kind of reminds me of the Matrix films. The first one was a great movie and your imagination could run wild after watching the way the first one ended. It left you wanting more but at the same time you would have been happy with just that one movie. Then they brought out the other 2 movies and spoiled the first one. They weren't bad but they did tarnish the first movie IMO.


I'm worried the same could happen with Supernatural. I want more but at the same time it would have really left me feeling good about the story and the endless possibilities about what we talked about in the Spoilers etc. With Stan Kripke stepping down from the series as well could be bad news but I will still be watching when season 6 roles around.

  On 5/19/2010 at 8:14 AM, cravnravn said:

24 Grande Finale next Monday at 8pm


Talk about a show limping toward its conclusion. If it wasnt the last season I would have stopped watching by now.

  On 5/19/2010 at 3:50 PM, Spen said:

Talk about a show limping toward its conclusion. If it wasnt the last season I would have stopped watching by now.



Hey, its entertainment, its not as good as Matlock..But its entertaining.

  On 5/19/2010 at 5:18 PM, cravnravn said:

Hey, its entertainment, its not as good as Matlock..But its entertaining.


I have never seen a Matlock so I dont know. I think about half of the 24s have been entertaining this year, others insultingly stupid, and few boring - and boring is the worst offense in my book. They have also had episodes where two years of character development has been tossed aside in seconds.


The whole idea of 'we just need to get this peace treaty signed at any cost, then we'll have lasting peace' is funny. After all once a peace treaty is signed it never ever gets broken.


But overall during its run it was a fun 'dont think too much' show that tried different things and was often successful.

  On 5/19/2010 at 3:50 PM, Spen said:

If it wasnt the last season I would have stopped watching by now.

?!?! lol, that's saying something; I only ever watched the first season plus a couple episodes into season 2, I found the weird camera usage and hectic pace a bit much; but it was intense, but I could see how it'd get played out pretty quickly.

  On 5/20/2010 at 2:54 AM, millz58 said:

?!?! lol, that's saying something; I only ever watched the first season plus a couple episodes into season 2, I found the weird camera usage and hectic pace a bit much; but it was intense, but I could see how it'd get played out pretty quickly.


I started watching on DVD about 4 seasons in and caught up. Watching them on DVD an episode a day seemed to be better. No waiting a week frustrations, you dont know when sweeps week episodes are so major events happening can actually be surprises. It seemed to be good season then bad season back and forth. Normally it was at least entertaining. I thought last year sucked but watched again because the writers claimed they were re-inventing it. This season started OK IMO, but went downhill quickly.


Everything that made it stand out ended up handcuffing the writers into repeating themselves. Over and over.


Hey we got the bad guy! Oops thats not really the bad guy. Someone was just pulling that bad guys strings! whoa!

What? A mole at CTU?


Oddly enough I feel if they would have abandoned the real time gimmick after a couple of seasons, which they will for the movies, it could have been a better show.


Planning the movie now bugs me too, because I read they are tooling the ending to set up for the movie. End the show thinking of the show, not thinking of a movie. That disrespects the series and its viewers in my opinion. I hated when The X Files did it. One of their season finales led into the first movie. Go eff yourself Chrus Carter! lol


I loved The X Files and cannot even watch it now because the last few years tainted the whole thing for me.


I got into 24 after it had finished the first 4 seasons. My flatmate at the time had the box sets on DVD so he lent me them. I have to say this was my favourite way of watching 24. The first 3 seasons were the best with season 5 following closely behind. Season 4 and the rest were a bit of a let down.


Those first 3 seasons though were amazing. I remember watching quite a few episodes per night. I would get to midnight and just finish and episode that had a cliffhanger ending and then would think, ok 1 more takes me to 12.40am That is ok, thats not too late to get up for work the next morning. Then after that episode it was, ok 1 more episode, 1.20am isn't to late....and so on. I regularly stayed up to 3 in the morning watching those seasons and would come home the next day and do the same thing. That is how much I loved them.


After season 5 the show just started to get stale. I'm kind of glad this is the last season. I'm kind of watching it now for the sake of watching it end.

  On 5/20/2010 at 9:52 AM, RavenMad said:

I remember watching quite a few episodes per night. I would get to midnight and just finish and episode that had a cliffhanger ending and then would think, ok 1 more takes me to 12.40am That is ok, thats not too late to get up for work the next morning. Then after that episode it was, ok 1 more episode, 1.20am isn't to late....and so on. I regularly stayed up to 3 in the morning watching those seasons and would come home the next day and do the same thing. That is how much I loved them.

My wife and I are kinda like that when we watch series on dvds, we tend to watch 2 or 3 per night to catch up quickly or just to enjoy them over again. I'm worse on my own, on the rare nights I have to myself (say if the wife and kid are out of town) I will definitely watch 5 or 6 episodes of whatever I like, in a row or just whatever I choose. I do this a lot with the first 3 seasons of X-Files (Spen, i agree about thinking the last several seasons screwed that show, but it never keeps me fron watching my favorites from seasons 1-5, and I also believe the movies, as silly as they were, were not meant for real fans of the series, just the casual ones who never took regular interest). If I'm on my own, it's a 6-pack, bag of pistachios, box sets for several seasons of whatever, and a dark viewing room.

  On 5/21/2010 at 8:34 AM, cravnravn said:

NCIS is going to have a funky ending, poor Gibbs


Let me know if Goth girl ever does any nude scenes, then I'll tune in. Ive never seen an episode but I have always liked Mark Harmon and I hear its very good. My father has them on DVD and watches over and over.


Spen, i agree about thinking the last several seasons screwed that show, but it never keeps me fron watching my favorites from seasons 1-5


I am the only one I know like this, most of my friends who share the same opinion still watch the early one. Maybe some day I will. The goofy last seasons, the unanswered major questions, just left a bad taste in my mouth.


Let me know if Goth girl ever does any nude scenes


Oh Man, we think alike, but I want it one step further..Abbie and Ziva doing the horizontal mombo, in thongs and heels..:P

  • 2 weeks later...

I'm missing all these great TV shows already. I'm back to watching old box sets of CSI Miami to get me through until Eureka and Lie to me starts again.

  • 5 months later...

Finally caught up to date. Spoilers below!


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I feel the same way, hoping that is changing.


I know you like his looks, but Jensen is also a much better actor than Jared. Jared makes me laugh sometimes when he is not supposed to.

  • 3 weeks later...
  On 11/13/2010 at 4:08 AM, Spen said:

Jensen is also a much better actor than Jared. Jared makes me laugh sometimes when he is not supposed to.

wow, I haven't thought of either one as even good actors, but I'd agree Jensen is better; Jared is kind of dumb and he does cry "cue card" at points; at least Ackles has some facial expression down

  On 11/13/2010 at 4:08 AM, Spen said:

I feel the same way, hoping that is changing.


I know you like his looks, but Jensen is also a much better actor than Jared. Jared makes me laugh sometimes when he is not supposed to.



  On 12/1/2010 at 2:15 AM, millz58 said:

wow, I haven't thought of either one as even good actors, but I'd agree Jensen is better; Jared is kind of dumb and he does cry "cue card" at points; at least Ackles has some facial expression down



OMG. Jensen is a good actor. The season after his resurrection was probably his best season. And yes, Jared makes me laugh all the time when he's supposed to be serious. I'm not sure what it is. His Tom Brady hair cut doesn't help, that's for sure. Actually, Brady probably got his haircut from Jared, but I digress.


My wife loves Jensen, and his cheeseburger-stuffed-grins, maybe I'm hatin' but he forces some lines...; he was good in that episode about the rabbit's foot

  • 5 weeks later...

Just finished watching the two episodes this month that I missed. Ahh, it was like old times. I hope the show continues this track.



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I can't wait for January 28!

  • 3 months later...

Light spoilers:


Last weeks episode was kind of a rip off of Final Destination but overall I thought it was one of the better episodes in the past two seasons.

  On 4/20/2011 at 1:44 AM, Spen said:

Light spoilers:


Last weeks episode was kind of a rip off of Final Destination but overall I thought it was one of the better episodes in the past two seasons.


Hmm. I dunno. This season has been kind of up and down to me. I'm still trying to figure out what the end game of the season is. Is it following the souls? Is it helping Cass get the weapons? I think this season is lacking a focus. And the long breaks don't help either. I think this last one was six weeks.

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