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Gaither contract


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What options do the Ravens have to keep Gaither? How serious are they? It seems like they want him, assuming he's healthy.

What do they need to do to keep him, and if they do, will the line go 'back' to their pre-2010-season vision?




edit: Hensley's blog http://weblogs.baltimoresun.com/sports/ravens/blog/2011/02/resigning_gaither_would_be_a_surprise.html

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Gaither would have to take something that the Ravens would feel safe on their end to give him. I would see something highly incentivized. There is no way they will just give him a deal with a bunch of upfront cash.


Agree. I want Gaither back but I also want to make sure he wants to play football. Incentives are what is needed here.

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You guys can dream all you want about an incentive-laden deal, but Gaither is going to get big money somewhere. Think Oakland, for example. He's getting a nice contract, whether here or elsewhere. No question about it.

At this point he hasn't gotten a sniff elsewhere that I know of but I think other teams may be sandbaggin' thinking Ravens won't blink; unfortunately I think they might. They may feel they need to reach a bit for Gaither rather than trust that what they had to work with this year is still workable. For some reason I get the feeling Gaither is comfortable right now, like he has some leverage..., just a hunch.

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At this point he hasn't gotten a sniff elsewhere that I know of but I think other teams may be sandbaggin' thinking Ravens won't blink; unfortunately I think they might. They may feel they need to reach a bit for Gaither rather than trust that what they had to work with this year is still workable. For some reason I get the feeling Gaither is comfortable right now, like he has some leverage..., just a hunch.

He hasn't gotten a sniff because no player of importance is going to be signed without a new CBA. This offseason isn't going to work like other ones even at this stage.


Gaither should be plenty comfortable. He had a year off to rest and is going to be handed an enormous paycheck anyway. The only question we care about is whether or not the Ravens pay for that check.

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You guys can dream all you want about an incentive-laden deal, but Gaither is going to get big money somewhere. Think Oakland, for example. He's getting a nice contract, whether here or elsewhere. No question about it.



Hes not getting squat til this mystery back injury is diagnosed...And if its revealed that he faked this injury, he'll be out of the league..



BUT, if hes cleared and the injury is under control, then the Ravens cant let him get away, it was our glaring weakness on the line...Just think, 40 sacks.

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It had seemed as if agent Drew Rosenhaus talked to Ravens general manager Ozzie Newsome Wednesday only about the status of offensive tackle Jared Gaither. In fact, Newsome talked to Rosenhaus about running back Willis McGahee and receiver Donte’ Stallworth as well.


All three are represented by Rosenhaus.


“When an agent has multiple clients they like to sit down, and talk about them, usually early in the offseason,” Newsome said. “In some cases, like with our kickers, their agents called and we told them we’d like to get something done early. In other cases, we just have to wait and be patient.”


McGahee has one year remaining on his contract, and Stallworth is an unrestricted free agent. According to current rules in place, Gaither is a restricted free agent and Newsome said he plans on offering Gaither a tender. Last year, Gaither was paid $2.396 million from a tendered offer.


Once or if the rules change for Gaither, the Ravens shouldn’t offer him big money or a new deal unless it is loaded with incentives based on playing time. His work ethic was questionable when he was at the University of Maryland, and it came under scrutiny last season long before the back injury forced him out for the season in training camp.

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There is no trust between Gaither and the front office, and Gaither's work ethic has been as questionable in the NFL as it was when he played at the University of Maryland. There are many inside The Castle who don't think he will return.

I just do not see him coming back.


It will come down to economics and timing. The Ravens haven't given up on Oher on the left side, either. Overall, he played reasonably well. According to former Ravens Pro Bowl left tackle Jonathan Ogden, it takes three years to learn to play the position adequately.

You never know next yr he could be a stud on the left side.

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