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RIP Art Modell


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Sad day for Baltimore. Art Modell singlehandedly brought the NFL back to our town. We tried the 'honorable' route by entering the expansion sweepstakes but that asshole Tagliabue awarded a team to Jacksonville. Now they don't even fill the stadium there.


So Mr Tagliabue meet the Ravens...the 'museum' you suggested we build instead of a football team.


Thanks, Art for so much joy!

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What I dont understand is why Art is so much "at fault". Shouldnt Cleveland have done the right thing the first time around? Didnt they give the expansion team exactly what Art was asking for? In that regeard why didnt they simply do it in the forst place? I think Cleveland is reaping bad Kharma if you ask me.

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Well, to be honest, I never heard that before. Why did the Governor tell him to move?


Because he was trying to get a stadium built but he could not get the legislature on board. They would not back down. So knowing that the fix was in and Learner was on deck to take over the new team it was a safe way to call the legislatures bluff.

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<h2 class="h1 entry-title"> Jack Harbaugh calls out those keeping Modell out of Canton


The Ravens distributed a slew of quotes Thursday regarding the passing of former Browns and Ravens owner Art Modell. The final batch began with some lines from an unlikely source.

Jack Harbaugh, the father of Ravens coach John Harbaugh and 49ers coach Jim Harbaugh, chastised those who have kept Modell out of the Hall of Fame.

“It’s so sad to hear of the passing of Mr. Modell. Scribes and pundits who believe in fairness and honesty dropped the ball today in allowing Art Modell to pass from this Earth without being inducted into the Hall of Fame,” Jack Harbaugh said.

“In addressing this in Baltimore, you speak to the choir; in addressing this to those around the country, who grasp the contribution Mr. Modell made over five generations of being a pioneer and visionary in this great game and great league — highlighted by his leadership in negotiating TV contracts and being an owner for two NFL Championship teams — you speak to the choir. But, there is a narrow-minded corps of individuals who came up small today. Very small.”

Jack Harbaugh has the freedom to say whatever he wants to say. It’s odd, however, that the Ravens would distribute — and thus implicitly endorse — those remarks.

Modell’s passing necessarily will give his candidacy for Canton some lift; that’s what happened after former NFL coach Don Coryell died. And while it’s fair to ask why Bills owner Ralph Wilson got in and Modell didn’t, each man stands on his own merits.

It’s widely believed that Tony Grossi, formerly of the Cleveland Plain Dealer and now with ESPN Cleveland, has led the charge against Modell. It’s my understanding (not from our in-house Hall of Fame voter, Darin Gantt, but from another source) that it’s not true that Grossi has mounted an extended anti-Modell campaign.

Regardless of what happens in the future, the fact that Jack Harbaugh would engage in a public finger-wagging at the voters, and that the Ravens would shine a light on it, isn’t the best way to use the aftermath of Modell’s passing to launch an effort to get him enshrined.

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You know what pisses me off Pops, now that Modell is gone, Grossi doesnt want the fans in Leaveland to boo Sunday when they have a moment of silence for Art..Hes some kind of sadistic bastard. If the mans alive Grossi would be the first in line to spit on him, but now that hes not he wants the Leavelanders to show class?? One side of the fence or the other Tony..Be like me, I wanted to piss on irsay alive, and i want to piss on him dead..

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Don't know what to say...just...Wow!


The caller ID said David Modell. It was just before 7 on Wednesday morning.


“This can’t be good,” I told my wife Sally.


The doctors say Art probably won’t make it through the day. Do you want to come say goodbye? I’m inviting Ozzie, too,” David said.

Art Modell, founder of the Ravens, was on his back with most of his face covered by a ventilator mask. Ozzie sat on his right side holding his hand. Michel, David’s wife, held his other hand and talked gently into Art’s left ear.


“His eyes opened. He recognizes your voice,” Michel said to me.


I had to catch my balance. This is the man who hired me in 1981 and embraced my family in a way that we never expected. He knew our four children’s names, knew what they were doing and sincerely cared about us.


We weren’t alone in that regard.


“You can talk to him. We think he’s hearing everything. He’s moving his lips a little, trying to communicate,” David encouraged.


I got close to Art’s left ear, holding his arm and hand in mine. I told him I loved him and that I could never thank him enough for what he had done for me and my family. I asked who was going to keep me laughing if he left and then I told him that he had to stay for Monday’s game. His eyes seemed to light up.


As soon as John Harbaugh heard, he said: “I’m coming down there.” For four years we had all watched John say goodbye to Art with a kiss on the cheek and the phrase, “I love you.”


Steve Bisciotti arrived. He held Art’s right hand, talked to him and cried.


Harbs didn’t come alone. In practice clothes, John came around the hospital corridor followed by Ray Lewisicon-article-link.gif, Ed Reedicon-article-link.gif, Haloti Ngataicon-article-link.gif and Terrell Suggsicon-article-link.gif. Tears swelled in David Modell’s eyes. “He loves all of you,” David said.


Coach Harbaugh kissed Art and began talking. Art’s eyes opened wide. “I told him how much I loved him. How much the players loved him. I assured him that he would see the best of us Monday night.”


Ray stepped up, put his head on Art’s chest and then moved closer to Art’s left ear. Ray spoke to the former Ravens owner for over four minutes and then knelt on the tile floor and prayed silently for a few more minutes. Haloti, who has already seen the death of his parents, was next, followed by Ed and then Sizzle – all grabbing part of Art and talking in his ear.


Powerful men talking to a dying hero … and friend.


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The Modells have requested that the Brownies cancel any honoring they had planned for Modell tomorrow.


Most of the teams in the NFL will be going to some lengths to honor the late Art Modell, but the Cleveland Browns will not be one of them. Mary Kay Cabot of The Plain Dealer reports that the Browns will do nothing to recognize Modell's passing during pre-game activities on Sunday.

Browns President Mike Holmgren reached out to Modell's son David and said 'we want to do the right thing by the Modell family,'' according to
spokesman Kevin Byrne.

"David told Mike that he really appreciated the call and the offer, but that he knew it would not be totally accepted by the Cleveland fans,'' Byrne said.

"David suggested that the Browns not do a tribute.''



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