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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary


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Everything posted by oldcrow

  1. there's no due diligence to serve a search warrant anymore just fucking bumrush collateral damage
  2. nice papa now I must go back and see if you traded to yourself I just want to bring down the champ from last year if I only win games against his ass I'm one happy bitch
  3. haha no doubt I think jockey's ridge is higher than any area in florida.
  4. I don't see where there won't be somekind of lawsuit sign o times thank god it wasn't Darrel Wallace Jr who hit the kid prolly would,ve been gunned down
  5. it's a damn shame sick and tired of these fucking pigs and their brutality time to tear the whole fucking thing down this shit is nothing new and I have to hear how Al Sharpton is involved blah blah blah he is stirring the shit up blah blah blah god I need new friends too Dee if it wasn't for Al there would be zero attention on these cases throughout the country
  6. overpaid qb just doesn't have the touch to help his receivers sucks to be you nerd
  7. WELL atleast you didn't piss on someones grave
  8. fucking nfl TO BIG TO FAIL the shitty republicans who think corporations are people having more rights than ACTUAL FUCKING AMERICANS
  9. nice cravn you realize you are still supporting the sugar cane companies destroying south florida. just quit using sugar PERIOD.
  10. Papa do you realize how bad you fucked BURGHSOUTH up burning his kids towel
  11. it kind of was
  12. GOOD JOB DINGBAT now you have just committed murder like your old linebacker and don't pull that STAND YOUR GROUND bullshit because you couldn't be on a mountain in florida and I swear to god if you say Mount Dora Florida is a fucking mountain I'm gonna .................
  13. yep
  14. cravn it's a team sport personal accolades do not mean shit to me butt ben helping to win 2 super bowls you know 2 the total number of which your teams has over a long span MEANS MORE!!!! we'll show you what a REAL receiving and quarterback is come the 2nd week
  15. now ,just hope you can find a quarterback to hit the targets
  16. I understand that but that limit was set in the 30's it should be higher than that today gad dam that's nothing to spend at the casino in a weeks time or less we're talking billion dollar transactions and they worry about 10,000 FUCKING DOLLARS can't get shit for 10k anymore
  17. why is it that any purchases or gifts or transaction of 10,000 is still a red flag for the IRS? why that limit still?
  18. tornado BUSH ASKED FOR MORE THAN THAT!!! and they wanted it with ZERO YES ZERO OVERSIGHT on how they spent the money. I'm sorry a lot of people lost some big money but I didn't take a hit AT ALL mine were all in bonds 90% of it knew at the beginning of lil bush 2nd term shit would hit the fan I have zero problem with Dems forcing the nfl's hand atleast they DO SOMETHING.
  19. ahhh shiiiiiiiiiiittttttttttt i'll be checkin the orlando police blotter fo sho god I hope you don't cause an emergency landing at nashville
  20. peter parker picked a pecker
  21. the steelers suspended him for 16 games last year sheesh TBH I thought it read you said (Ben) the first time I replied and yes cravn it was one game FOR DOING HIS FUCKING JOB! now go clean the pool ricky.
  22. 6 games money they actually asked for more
  23. if the ravens had any class they would extend the suspension themselves well there you have it
  24. week 1 n 2 are on the road dingdong tooo bad there were no ravens team in the 70's sucks to be you nerd!!!!!
  25. good for them threaten their asses with the anti trust and make ray rice an example to where it may not happen again. Of course it would be democrats hell the republicans would rather beat the living shit out their wives and force her to stay at home, pregnant, and serve the husband
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