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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary


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Everything posted by oldno82

  1. I just hope he's working on it this off-season like he did with other things last off-season. I haven't heard what he's doing. It is early though.
  2. We'll see...Also, Lamar is so young and experiencing so much adulation I hope it doesn't affect his humility. It's one of the major things that makes him a great leader.
  3. That sounds pretty reasonable to me though I don't think Judon will sign for that. Jimmy's is enough. I won't quibble but I could see Stanley getting 5 for 90 here.
  4. Sounds like he's still pissed at the Chargers too.
  5. OK, guys, discuss. How much should the Ravens limits be on Judon, Jimmy Smith, and Ronnie Stanley be? Free agency is only a few weeks away.
  6. Brown appears to be the next phenomenal breakout player for the Ravens. Hell he almost did that this past year. When he's healthy he'll be deadly. The only thing I worry about is his slight frame. So I think Spen is right about our needing another receiver. Boykin has potential but has to demonstrate some real progress this year to take up that responsibility. The free agent market has Amari Cooper if we're inclined to spend a lot on one player. I don't think we will what with the extensions and all. I want to see Stanley lined up long term for us. I think he's even a tad more necessary than retaining Judon. So it will probably be the draft for another receiver. Somewhere in the 2nd to 3rd round depending on how it all comes together.
  7. Hey! She said a 'suitable' replacement!
  8. 50 years is hard to stomach. 2 in 20 ain't at all bad, folks. And we still have a good team to take forward. Preston is right, though. They need to win a playoff game, preferably two next year! (Boy we are spoiled though, aren't we? Look at Detroit and Cleveland).
  9. Just curious: why does the Extreme Ravens website depict a background of the Empire State Building in New York? Shouldn't we have a background of Baltimore instead? Or M&T?
  10. Hard to believe neither Roman nor Martindale got a head coaching gig. Especially Roman. We're lucky to have both still with us. Next season will really be interesting. Like this season was!
  11. And the best part is that he's a Raven and will be a superstar for years to come. Good for Harbaugh and Roman. Both certainly earned it with their revolutionary offense and the commitment to it.
  12. Hmmm...just as a point of info, Dan was a pedestrian 8-10 in the playoffs over his 16 year career and never won a Super Bowl. Lamar, in his two seasons thus far has made the playoffs both times and lost there twice. Lets defer any discussion about evaluating Lamar's total performance until he has a few more seasons of records to observe. Not saying he's a Hall of Famer, just saying that you don't have to have won a Super Bowl to have been considered a great quarterback. Regardless, he had a really great season this year.
  13. Disagree. The season is a compilation of 16 games whereas the playoffs come down every time to a one game season. The stats and results over the long haul are what count. Any team can have a bad day. Every player can play lights out in a playoff game and be mediocre in the season. I'm thinking particularly of Flacco 2012 whom you love to excoriate. And there are plenty of others who can shine for a game or 3 and then either barely get or can't get their teams into the playoffs. I also think of Dan Marino who had a fantastic career but who had loads of trouble making it to the playoffs and never won a Super Bowl. He's in the Hall of Fame and was elected in his first year of eligibility.
  14. Needs are pressure creating defensive personnel whatever position they play and another ready to start WR. Get one through free agency and one through the draft and I'll be very happy.
  15. Well if I hadn't seen Lamar make a lot of those throws and tighter in real life I'd be concerned but ho-hum, really. What he does need to work on is hard throws outside. Needs to beef up his arm strength. Correctable though.
  16. Well that didn't take long. The NFL blocked the clips so they're all dead now. What happened??
  17. Slightly behind the Chiefs. 50 years is a long time. But I won't be sad at all if SFO wins. The 49'ers have an entertaining defense and crushing running attack. I think the '9'ers win it.
  18. Agree...all I keep thinking about is that we should be playing today. Honestly, though, I would've picked KC over us today. Two really dominant teams in KC and the Ravens regardless what they say about the Titans. Of course, as I say this, Tennessee has a two score lead. Really looking forward to 2020 though. I think big things will be happening through free agency ($34 million in cap space) , the draft (7 picks in 1st 4 rounds), OTA's, Training Camp and the pre-season. Lots to look forward to. Hopefully, we keep injuries to a minimum.
  19. I think Tomlin had a good argument considering all the injuries and other losses (AJ Brown, Bell) but they lost the last three games of the season. With the Ravens completely re-inventing an entire offense and then winning 12 in a row, I have to still say it's Harbaugh.
  20. What can I say? They both earned it over the regular season.
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