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Everything posted by oldno82

  1. Morgan Cox is a Pro Bowler. You were right about him and I was wrong to jump on has back after last week's blocked punt.
  2. I'm expecting a hard fight. It won't be another blowout. But I'd love to be wrong!
  3. Agree with that. He’s shown a real desire to learn and excel. Wish his Dad was around to see this. His son is also a class act.
  4. Not as sure as you are...the game is an away game and the Browns may be playing so Kitchens doesn't get fired. Not sure how much they like Freddie but Mayfield argued for him to become HC. The most important thing for the Ravens is to avoid injuries. We also need to win so we can get a 'bye' week in January. Should be a fun game.
  5. If he doesn't want to go to KC isn't his only other option retirement?
  6. Yes...football is a game in which emotion can and does play a big part. The Ravens right now are really fired up thanks to Lamar. If they can keep that up I think they are the favorites to get to and win the Super Bowl. The whole team is feeding off him.
  7. Can't remember but it seemed to me that they lined up over his shoulder which may be legal---or not. In any case, you're right about him doing a good job over the years. Still it was quite shocking to see him get bowled over like that.
  8. I just keep mumbling to my wife "Lamar Jackson is unbelievable!" and "5 TD passes in his last game" and "Honey, come here...you have to see THIS play". I've been following football for decades and have never seen a talent like Lj@8. And on top of all that he's so humble and decent. And what a leader!!
  9. Well on the punt, Morgan Cox literally got run over. One of the worst missed blocks and pancakes I’ve ever seen.
  10. Thursday night games are freaking insane. All the time; but especially this late in the season...too many players are dinged up at this stage of the season. If the league doesn't wake up maybe the players' union will.
  11. Yep...raising the cap doesn't really help because players want more and more and the teams give it to them. While I would like to see an exclusionary cap, the QB cap probably has a better chance of getting the owners approval.
  12. Wouldn't that be something!!
  13. That is how I see it too, Spen. He reads coverages well after just 1 1/2 years of play at the age of 22. I've been impressed with his passing this year as well as his running ability and, as I have said in the past and as Max alluded to, his leadership. Shoot, the whole team and his head coach love the guy.
  14. S**T! James Hurst protecting Lamar's blindside gives me chills!
  15. That's a scary proposition after the last 2 games performance.
  16. Let's remember how the wind played havoc in the first half with the passing game. The Bills loaded the box then and we couldn't run as usual. Last week it was the monsoon and this week the high wind. Tough to throw for anybody in those conditions. Hopefully Lamar has better luck in the Jets game. And gets in the groove again.
  17. Hey Max the wind killed the passing game early and Roman really never went back to it. We were fortunate to get the passing results we had. Now the run game was worrisome...really couldn't get it going on a windy day when they really needed to kick ass. But the Bills are no pushover and played like it. Our D was pretty damn good. While we were on a knife edge lead for the most of the game, they hung tough and limited the Buffalo offense to just 17 points. It would have been less had they not lost their composure for a while and gave up a lot of yardage on penalties. So, yeah, they have things to work on. The Jets will be another test...to see how we rebound on 3 days rest (I hate these freakin' Thursday games!). The offensive line needs to have a bigger push for the running game...pass protection was OK but the wind really did mess with Lamar's head. The receivers were decent...a lot of incompletions were just off their fingertips. My biggest worry is can they make the adjustments needed in just 3 days. Anybody know any more about Andrews' injury?
  18. Game over.........whew!!!!
  19. Great vision on Lamar’s part to throw Snead a TD. Could be game over after that if the defense keeps playing tough and isn’t too tired.
  20. Great play by Jimmy Smith!
  21. Can’t get anything going on offense. Dammit
  22. Poor decisions on that series
  23. We need a score. This drive is important for us to establish the pass.
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