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Beginning of the end for Caldwell?


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You do know that Joe was the 3rd stringer in 2008 and got thrown to the wolves when Boller & Smith went down with injury and sickness?


So yea, I will say his rookie year the book was dummied down, after all Joe never got to work with the first teamers during Camp

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I dont honestly know, Im serious..Nothing worked this year on O..I cant believe the loss of Boldin had that much affect on this team. We were horrible at running the ball, Joe was sacked the 2nd highest amount of any QB in the NFL.


Im stuck between keeping the staff and revamping the entire O-Line and replacing the staff and keep what we got.

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Let me be clear. I don't think you fire Caldwell just to make a change, but I think if you have a chance to get an established smart offensive mind like Norv Turner, that the Ravens need to pounce.


Look at what Norv did with absolutely nothing in Cleveland. He turned two junk QB's in Brian Hoyer and Jason Campbell into servicable starters.

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And not just Norv Turner, but he is the only one that comes to mind right now. If they see a guy out there that they think can bring some creativity in terms of playcalling then grab him (but IMO he needs to be established as a good playcaller). They don't even have to fire Caldwell just relieve him of his playcalling duties.

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Norv Turner? NOOOOOooooooooooooooo!! Norv's still stuck in the 80's - leave him there. How's this? Dump Castillo and any other useless assistant recommended by Harbaugh on the payroll - turn the offense fully over to Caldwell including the hiring and firing of Offensive Assistants ( as it should have been from the beginning ). It's the K.I.S.S ( Keep It Simple - Stupid ) approach to winning football. Oh and while we're at it dump Pees - his cerebral approach to defensive football got him kicked out of New England - why oh why did anyone think it would work out here?

I love Norv's offense. It is simple but works. Just give him the horses and it will work. I think he has the WR's for it. He has 1 TE. He needs a RB that can do it and an big boy OL. I think Joe can be Troy Aikman like.

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Terry Bradshaw won 4 super bowls and everyone knows he stupid, my God Craven just because Joe Flacco was the QB of a team that won a superbowl doesn't mean Joe Flacco is anything but exactly that. I'm not saying Joe is stupid, but he isn't the most cerebral qb out there, i believe it takes him longer to get concepts than most, but once he's got it, he's got it.

:thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:


Coincidentally that was the best years of your OC'ing here Cam. You were more creative back then. It's a shame your a bitter old loser now.

Then D's started taking things away.

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Stupid and football stupid are very different. Doing it and explaining it are also different.


Bradshaw sounds like a moron... But on the field he could see it and do it. I can see the solution to almost any visual puzzle and execute, but i cant describe what i am doing.


The comparison is bad.


I'm not saying Joe is Manning. He's not. But he's also bright enough if he has some tools - like a few seconds to throw or some decent plays to run.

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I love Norv's offense. It is simple but works. Just give him the horses and it will work. I think he has the WR's for it. He has 1 TE. He needs a RB that can do it and an big boy OL. I think Joe can be Troy Aikman like.

I completely agree with you here. I hate to throw Caldwell under the bus but Norv would be perfect for Joe and our offense. Norv is a master of situational play calling and using multiple route combinations to get receivers free for "easy throws" for the QB. Sure he can get pass happy, but at least he has a good play call ready for every situation. We have been too predictable the past few years and Norv can shake it up. I really hope Norv is the guy we go after.

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But Joe does make some real doltish decisions on the field.


And what QB doesnt? I seen Brees vs St Louis make doltish decision after doltish decision, And now we'll see the biggest dolt of all in 2 weeks when Manning steps on the field and promptly does his famous One n Done

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Caldwell is fine, go back to the Billick days, what was the issue? Can't make chicken soup without water. Same holds true this year and even into last year. Over shadowed by the Super Bowl win and the "luck" that goes along with every team's championship was the inconsistency of the running game and the receivers struggling against press coverage. The great catches by Boldin were required not because the passes were off, but because there was no room for error he was so tightly covered. Same for Smith, Jones, Pita etc. Last year, the dump off worked well because safeties were unsure of the "quality of the deep threat and linebackers made sure to take deep drops to keep the middle of the field, Pita, covered.


This year, no Pita most of the year, and teams knew more of Smith, Jones, Clarke, Stokely- in other words, no deep drops needed by the backers and the corners could cover one on one.


This is what Caldwell has had to deal with. If the receivers struggle with route running, with no selling routes properly, how can you expect them to run more complex routes, that, take some time to develop? Especially with this line?


The biggest issue I saw was the lack of game conditioning the players had. The key players seemed to come into this year out of shape, trying to use the age old way of getting in shape, practice and games. What they, and many teams, did not factor in was the change to the practice rules. This hurt many teams, the Falcons, Niners to a point (their offense not as good as last year) Pats, and especially the Ravens, mostly on offense.


I think another year is needed to fully evalute Caldwell, time for Brown to learn more, Smith to get stronger, Pita healthy, a more athletic line that can not only pull but run screens. Caldwell loves the screen game, both normal and wide receiver screens. Add, hopefully, a quick footed receiver and I think you will see a much better offense, better play calling-less predictable.

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Caldwell is fine, go back to the Billick days, what was the issue? Can't make chicken soup without water. Same holds true this year and even into last year. Over shadowed by the Super Bowl win and the "luck" that goes along with every team's championship was the inconsistency of the running game and the receivers struggling against press coverage. The great catches by Boldin were required not because the passes were off, but because there was no room for error he was so tightly covered. Same for Smith, Jones, Pita etc. Last year, the dump off worked well because safeties were unsure of the "quality of the deep threat and linebackers made sure to take deep drops to keep the middle of the field, Pita, covered.


This year, no Pita most of the year, and teams knew more of Smith, Jones, Clarke, Stokely- in other words, no deep drops needed by the backers and the corners could cover one on one.


This is what Caldwell has had to deal with. If the receivers struggle with route running, with no selling routes properly, how can you expect them to run more complex routes, that, take some time to develop? Especially with this line?


The biggest issue I saw was the lack of game conditioning the players had. The key players seemed to come into this year out of shape, trying to use the age old way of getting in shape, practice and games. What they, and many teams, did not factor in was the change to the practice rules. This hurt many teams, the Falcons, Niners to a point (their offense not as good as last year) Pats, and especially the Ravens, mostly on offense.


I think another year is needed to fully evalute Caldwell, time for Brown to learn more, Smith to get stronger, Pita healthy, a more athletic line that can not only pull but run screens. Caldwell loves the screen game, both normal and wide receiver screens. Add, hopefully, a quick footed receiver and I think you will see a much better offense, better play calling-less predictable.

Excellent points. I think Caldwell deserves one more year based on his performance in last year's playoffs. Big changes (improvements) needed in personnel though will make this a multi-year job to be come really good again.

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So how many continuous games does Brees do that in?

So how many continuous games does Brees do that in?


Last year they had what . 4 wins? Don't recall but I know they didn't make the playoffs. And no bounty excuse, we lost just as many on d as they did, yet joe had us on the cusp of the playoffs whereas the saints were eliminated in week 5

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Caldwell interviewing for Detroit vacancy...

Rooney rule requirement...check


Last year they had what . 4 wins? Don't recall but I know they didn't make the playoffs. And no bounty excuse, we lost just as many on d as they did, yet joe had us on the cusp of the playoffs whereas the saints were eliminated in week 5

So Payton not being there has no effect?

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