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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary

Beginning of the end for Caldwell?


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If there parts were used better I think they could open guys up.




Some what agree. Again though, the receivers were struggling to get off the los in press coverage and even in soft zone, they took a bit long to get into their routes and in position to make a catch. Smith gets easily pushed to the sidelines on the go route, leaving Flacco little room to make the throw. He also floats when looking for the ball, which makes the catch that much harder, the chance of completion lesser. Jones just doesn't run good routes and Brown was still learning the offense, his keys, trusting him to make the right read was a crap shoot.


So you can stack them, plit them, have crossing routes & rubs, but when the receivers slow run because they are unsure of their route or run it too fast, it all leads to sacks, picks, incompletes.


I think I said this earlier, but the Ravens, even under Harbs, have never developed a receiver, Smith is the closest they have come and he still has a ways to go. I sometimes wonder if they kept the same receivers coach all this time, but know they have changed. I would change them again. This is the place they really mised Boldin was teaching the younger receivers, not so much on the field.

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Stacking WR's, rubs, picks, and motion can get you some free targets. You just have to do it. Great offenses do it.




The Ravens did it often, the players could not execute them very well, thus my point. There is far more to a play success than just what we think we see on tv. Do you have the NFL network all 22? I highly recommend it if you really want to see the issues I point out. Teams don't respect the Ravens receivers on the outside, one on one coverage. They then clog the middle so even rub routes do not work properly when a receiver makes it obvious, in the first few steps, what they are going to do....

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The Ravens did it often, the players could not execute them very well, thus my point. There is far more to a play success than just what we think we see on tv. Do you have the NFL network all 22? I highly recommend it if you really want to see the issues I point out. Teams don't respect the Ravens receivers on the outside, one on one coverage. They then clog the middle so even rub routes do not work properly when a receiver makes it obvious, in the first few steps, what they are going to do....

I have to agree. I can't ever remember us having a quick (as opposed to fast) receiver. But Pops makes some good points as I can't say I ever remember us running picks for our pass plays.

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I have to agree. I can't ever remember us having a quick (as opposed to fast) receiver. But Pops makes some good points as I can't say I ever remember us running picks for our pass plays.



They've run picks/rubs for years, including this year. Now my memory is not as good as it used to be so forgive me for not saying which games, but they have used them, Caldwell loves using them. He is a master at creating open receivers with tiered sets. However, as I said, it is up to the players to execute.



This is why i question the positional coaches, not just the offensive line (as I type, SD has changed centers and not missed a beat), but receivers especially. Either they, the front office, can't draft smart players at this position or the coaches are not teaching them properly.

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The Ravens did it often, the players could not execute them very well, thus my point. There is far more to a play success than just what we think we see on tv. Do you have the NFL network all 22? I highly recommend it if you really want to see the issues I point out. Teams don't respect the Ravens receivers on the outside, one on one coverage. They then clog the middle so even rub routes do not work properly when a receiver makes it obvious, in the first few steps, what they are going to do....

Believe me when I see a pick or rub I am shocked. They did it very little.


I could care less about the Terps.

I want the Terps to not be seller dwellers in the Big 10. If PSU goes through a down time it gives UMD time to get on its feet.


I have to agree. I can't ever remember us having a quick (as opposed to fast) receiver. But Pops makes some good points as I can't say I ever remember us running picks for our pass plays.

Basic things to get WR's open is rare here. Defenders are to good now to not help to get them open.




They've run picks/rubs for years, including this year. Now my memory is not as good as it used to be so forgive me for not saying which games, but they have used them, Caldwell loves using them. He is a master at creating open receivers with tiered sets. However, as I said, it is up to the players to execute.



This is why i question the positional coaches, not just the offensive line (as I type, SD has changed centers and not missed a beat), but receivers especially. Either they, the front office, can't draft smart players at this position or the coaches are not teaching them properly.

The only pick I saw this season was about 2 games ago. The only one I saw under Cam was in a Steelers game against Pitt about 3 yrs ago.

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Wlel I don't have the NFL net but I am good at spotting them. The media says it too so I would say it doesn't happen nearly enough.



Which media, our local media? :nono: they say a lot, just to get people calling, texting, emailing, talking about them.... doesn't mean it is correct.

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