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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary

This Time...Follow Through John!


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We have heard this speech 587 times....and yes we got better and won a Super Bowl a year ago. Yet week after agonizing week, this team was poor to average this season and never improved.



“Going forward, our plan now is to improve and get better,” Harbaugh said. “There are a lot of things we didn’t do well as a coaching staff, and that’s why we look at ourselves first. We have to do a better job of putting our players in position to make plays – offense, defense and special teams.”


I want to see it. From Ozzie too.

Or Steve will be in for 1 hell of a shock as his team slips to 5-11.


So there are a lot of things that you didn't do as well as a coaching staff.

What makes you think the same group can build a better mouse trap this year?


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We have heard this speech 587 times....and yes we got better and won a Super Bowl a year ago. Yet week after agonizing week, this team was poor to average this season and never improved.



I want to see it. From Ozzie too.

Or Steve will be in for 1 hell of a shock as his team slips to 5-11.


So there are a lot of things that you didn't do as well as a coaching staff.

What makes you think the same group can build a better mouse trap this year?



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What makes you think it will be the same group?


Gut feeling but time will tell.

The group will change a lot if Caldwell goes. If he stays it might be more status quo with a couple of changes.

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What makes you think it will be the same group?

Exactly, heck last night there was a scroll on the bottom if the screen on the nfl channel from the ravens and how Oz is quoted that he's setting a meeting with Suggs because of the 14 mil dollar cap hit we will be getting from his contract this year,

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Something to think about, one "reason" to give more chance.


The Ravens were the first team to win a super bowl and then, have to "deal with" the new practice rules. Now, most players use practice and the preseason to get in shape, play into shape.


Normally this is not a big deal. However, after a super bowl win, every player is asked to do things off the field, some for them selves, money, some for the team/league. Then there is the big sigh of relief when not only have you won it all, but the circus is finally over. Now, take the extra time for public relations and such, this takes away time from working out, from family time, etc. Now factor in the new practice rules, a minor, nagging injury through the off season & pre season, little practice/playing time and you get a sloppy, slow start.


However, as anyone who works out, or has worked out knows, the reason you work out hard ALL off season is so you have the stamina late in the season, not just for the first few games.


I think, what we saw was just that, a slow start and now staying power to finish the season strong, worse than last season. Maybe, hopefully, the players learned a valuable lesson, not just the Ravens, it hit a lot of teams as well, (could explain the Falcons fall off). Time will tell. Any time you add something to your day that normally isn't there, it takes time away from something, it breaks the routine and athletes need routine. Just my 2 cents.... something to chew on...

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To add. The writing was on the wall through purple shades I didn't see it. But looking back to last. March we were all in shock at the players we lost, then in June we get doom and I figured all is well, then pitta goes down in training camp, and I still was positive, then we get to week 1 and lose a two position player in jones by friendly fire, the McKinney starts off like crap and eventually he's benched and traded, then rice goes down with a hip injury and returns way to soon from it,


The story was set, we as fans had a different ending,

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Sure they are. They are keeping the guy who during the season was pushed out of the decision making. He is the one who did his own thing instead of trying to fit in. You see that the running game fell to crap and they came up with the RB's coach has to go. It is an easy fix. Make it look like 1+1=2 but fail to mention that he was here when the running game was going great and the average fan is playcated.

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Sure they are. They are keeping the guy who during the season was pushed out of the decision making. He is the one who did his own thing instead of trying to fit in. You see that the running game fell to crap and they came up with the RB's coach has to go. It is an easy fix. Make it look like 1+1=2 but fail to mention that he was here when the running game was going great and the average fan is playcated.


I can't imagine anyone looking at the firing of Montgomery as the solution to the problem. That is the purpose of a scapegoat. Like a said, a RB coach isn't important enough to serve as a scapegoat. Most fans don't even know the names of position coaches. OCs and DCs are the usual scapegoats.

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I can't imagine anyone looking at the firing of Montgomery as the solution to the problem. That is the purpose of a scapegoat. Like a said, a RB coach isn't important enough to serve as a scapegoat. Most fans don't even know the names of position coaches. OCs and DCs are the usual scapegoats.


Totally agree.

The real hanging starts with OC or DC, then the HC, then the GM. Anybody else is an inocent, meaningless bystander....not enough to sate the appetite of the crowd mulling around the guilitine.


And........ why does there have to be a scapegoat?

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Papa- Why are you so negative on these Ravens and their coaching staff? You're beginning to make me sick to my stomach with all your negativity. My God man, we just won our second Superbowl. We were in the playoffs, and went deep I might add, 5 straight years.

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Bisciotti also said that if the players had a problem with offensive line coach Juan Castillo, Ravens management would definitely know about it, especially Newsome.

"Hell, some people want John Harbaugh out of here, I can't change that either," Bisciotti said refering to papasmurf. "Castillo is in the unfortunate position to have come here and struggled early. But if the whole offensive line had come in and beat down the door and said we hate him, John probably would have made that move already.

"Ozzie also gets to talk to those guys [linemen] and it's not like they don't have a chance to say they don't like John's buddy," Bisciotti said. "Ozzie is in the weight room three times a day, and would have solicited opinions about him, and if everyone vehemently didn't want to work for him [Juan], they obviously would have come to that conclusion, and have let him go."

Read more: http://www.baltimoresun.com/sports/ravens/ravens-insider/bal-mike-prestons-state-of-the-raves-observations-pictures-20140109,0,5044452.photogallery#ixzz2pxKbr2GT

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