dc. Posted September 11, 2015 Posted September 11, 2015 Sounds like a good deal, Crav. I honestly haven't researched enough here to even estimate... only because I know our expenses give us $0 to even attempt to move. But, one day... one day I will make decisions I am happier with. Quote
vmax Posted September 11, 2015 Author Posted September 11, 2015 On 9/11/2015 at 12:03 AM, cravnravn said: Here we go DC, FPL ( our electric) will meet with us on Monday, they have a pretty good deal, I think, 5500 for solar panel and hot water heater, 1000 FPL rebate, 2 weeks to get the check, 1600 Obama rebate. So our balance will be 2800, 12 months no interest. After 12 months, interest will go to 8.8% on the balance. He guarantees we will save 55 to 70 a month on the hot water heater. I think we are going to do it. I'm so proud of you. I have to wait a little longer....3 kids in college. Quote
dc. Posted September 12, 2015 Posted September 12, 2015 On 9/11/2015 at 10:21 PM, vmax said: I'm so proud of you. I have to wait a little longer....3 kids in college.Max, my thoughts too... Except it's two in diapers! (Well, one is literally just ditching them... Hooray!) Quote
thundercleetz Posted September 12, 2015 Posted September 12, 2015 I'm a big fan of solar panels. I visited family in Long Island and everyone had solar panels. I think they look cool. I definitely want to get them some day. We just got Nest thermostats and smoke detectors installed at our house. Trying to save some energy with the thermostats. Quote
dc. Posted September 12, 2015 Posted September 12, 2015 My next move, given that our water heater is probably in its last months, will be a no tank heater... It's a step at least. Quote
cravnravn Posted September 12, 2015 Posted September 12, 2015 On 9/12/2015 at 1:15 AM, dc. said: My next move, given that our water heater is probably in its last months, will be a no tank heater... It's a step at least.I heard of the tankless water heater, sounds good, We just found out our water heater is from 1989 So maybe this will be a good decision. Quote
cravnravn Posted September 12, 2015 Posted September 12, 2015 On 9/11/2015 at 10:21 PM, vmax said: I'm so proud of you. I have to wait a little longer....3 kids in college.Do you really think its easier when they get out of college? Hahaha gave the daughter her down payment on her house, my middle son just got married in April, I footed that because his wife was already married and her parents gave her, her big day. And now our youngest is back with us in Florida and is pestering the hell out of us with a car so he can move back north. Quote
oldcrow Posted September 12, 2015 Posted September 12, 2015 you need to tell him to buck up cravnon the bright side I hope he is doing his chorestold you to not buy the riding lawnmower Quote
vmax Posted September 13, 2015 Author Posted September 13, 2015 On 9/12/2015 at 12:20 PM, cravnravn said: Do you really think its easier when they get out of college? Hahaha gave the daughter her down payment on her house, my middle son just got married in April, I footed that because his wife was already married and her parents gave her, her big day. And now our youngest is back with us in Florida and is pestering the hell out of us with a car so he can move back north. Oh I know. I'm a doomed man. I have a daughter who I can't say no too. Quote
vmax Posted September 16, 2015 Author Posted September 16, 2015 And the Beat Goes On.... Quote Global marine populations slashed by half since 1970: WWF. In a new report, the conservation group cautioned that over-fishing, pollution and climate change had significantly shrunk the size of commercial fish stocks between 1970 and 2010. "In the space of a single generation, human activity has severely damaged the ocean by catching fish faster than they can reproduce while also destroying their nurseries," Marco Lambertini, head of WWF International, said in a statement."Overfishing, destruction of marine habitats and climate change have dire consequences for the entire human population, with the poorest communities that rely on the sea getting hit fastest and hardest," he warned. The WWF report also shows there has been a steep decline in coral reefs, mangroves and seagrasses that support fish species -- with more than one third of fish tracked for the study relying on coral reefs and some 850 million people around the world relying on them for their livelihoods. While highlighting the severity of the crisis, WWF stressed that the ocean is a renewable resource and that marine life can be restored if the human population lives within "sustainable limits."The report called for the amount of ocean area worldwide that is currently protected (3.4 percent) to be tripled by 2020. http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/global-marine-populations-slashed-by-half-since-1970-wwf/ar-AAelYad?li=AAa0dzB&ocid=iehp Quote
cravnravn Posted September 16, 2015 Posted September 16, 2015 (edited) They dont need funds to replenish the overfishing they need tighter fishing regulations.The blue crab for example, ive been schooling these bait shops in central florida, they dont sell the blue crab as food like we know, they sell them as bait. Which by the way is fine by me because I now get crabs at a fraction of the cost of what we paid in Maryland. But, there is no size limitation, and they dont understand that females only spawn once in their lifetime and that its lucky that 5 out of a million eggs develope into a full blown crab. Ive already purchased my live crabs and released a couple of females back into the intercoastal. Shrimping is the same issue, as a pleasure shrimper we have limitations on how many shrimp we can harvest a night, its 1 five pound bucket PER BOAT. Yet the trawlers are at the mouth of the inlet 7 days a week. Edited September 16, 2015 by cravnravn Quote
vmax Posted October 13, 2015 Author Posted October 13, 2015 (edited) Quote TORONTO, Oct 12 - Millions of people in the United States could be forced to abandon their homes if planet-warming emissions continue unabated through 2100, pushing global sea levels up by more than 14 feet (4.2 meters), researchers said.In the United States, between 20 and 31 million people are living on land that would be submerged by rising oceans without aggressive cuts to greenhouse gas emissions, according to a study published on Monday in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. "I would avoid buying property in South Florida in particular," Strauss told the Thomson Reuters Foundation. To hammer home the message in the United States, where some politicians and voters remain skeptical about human-induced climate change, researchers built a map allowing residents to type in their postal code to see if their city is projected to be underwater by 2100 (choices.climatecentral.org). http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/rising-seas-to-displace-millions-of-americans-if-warming-unchecked/ar-AAfnv38?li=AA54ur&ocid=iehp Check out Baltimore on their map....http://choices.climatecentral.org/#13/39.2905/-76.6096?compare=scenarios&carbon-end-yr=2100&scenario-a=unchecked&scenario-b=extreme-cuts Ocean City's gone....http://choices.climatecentral.org/#12/38.3350/-75.0844?compare=scenarios&carbon-end-yr=2100&scenario-a=unchecked&scenario-b=extreme-cuts Edited October 13, 2015 by vmax Quote
cravnravn Posted October 13, 2015 Posted October 13, 2015 Thanks for locking up my tablet with that first link. Butthead Quote
vmax Posted December 1, 2015 Author Posted December 1, 2015 Good Idea..... Quote LE BOURGET, France — One of the smartest ways to fight global warming is putting a price on carbon dioxide pollution, some key world leaders said at Monday's international climate summit.Either a tax on carbon dioxide emissions or trading carbon pollution like pork bellies, which puts a price on carbon, will help use capitalism to get closer to a day when the world isn't adding heat-trapping gases to the atmosphere, according to leaders of France, Germany, Canada, Chile, Mexico and Ethiopia, as well as heads of the World Bank, International Monetary Fund and Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development.The number of countries, provinces, states or cities putting a price on carbon has tripled in the past year and is now at 40, including some U.S. states, said World Bank Group President Jim Young Kim. Kim and others pointed to straight carbon taxes in British Columbia, Sweden and France as examples of what works.Economists have known since 1923 that "smart economics puts a tax on bad things and not on good things," said World Resources Institute President Andrew Steer, a former Wharton economist who wasn't part of the multi-nation initiative on carbon pricing. He compared it to taxing cigarettes to reducing consumption, although other methods of trading carbon pollution credits aren't quite the same, he added.http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/france-germany-canada-call-on-world-to-put-price-on-carbon/ar-AAfS5bP?li=BBnb7Kz This would hurt all of us financially, but it may save our children's lives. Quote
dc. Posted December 1, 2015 Posted December 1, 2015 All you need to know about the US response is how the state of MD responded to "the rain tax" ... Misinformation, oversimplifications, lies... It'd die. Quote
RavenMad Posted December 2, 2015 Posted December 2, 2015 We are all doomed. I think the politicians don't get it. Here in N.Ireland are policiticans have their heads buried in the sand. They would much rather debate about what the other side are doing than actually address the issues. My guess is they are all idiots and are scared of being found out if they actually have to address proper issues. Seriously, they would much rather debate and point score against each other over what flag should be flown outside government buildings on which days! We had one prominent politician being interviewed on a talk show on the radio along with an environmental activist. The politician blamed climate change on cyclical events. I kid you not. He actually stated that the earth has always gone through periods of warming and cooling and that actually temperatures have dropped over the last 20 years! Seriously. He thinks it's a case of nothing to see here. Move along. We need to burn our fossil fuels so we can compete with China and India on economical grounds. Like I said, with idiots like this in charge we are all doomed. Quote
thundercleetz Posted December 3, 2015 Posted December 3, 2015 On 12/2/2015 at 11:36 AM, RavenMad said: We are all doomed. I think the politicians don't get it. Here in N.Ireland are policiticans have their heads buried in the sand. They would much rather debate about what the other side are doing than actually address the issues. My guess is they are all idiots and are scared of being found out if they actually have to address proper issues. Seriously, they would much rather debate and point score against each other over what flag should be flown outside government buildings on which days! We had one prominent politician being interviewed on a talk show on the radio along with an environmental activist. The politician blamed climate change on cyclical events. I kid you not. He actually stated that the earth has always gone through periods of warming and cooling and that actually temperatures have dropped over the last 20 years! Seriously. He thinks it's a case of nothing to see here. Move along. We need to burn our fossil fuels so we can compete with China and India on economical grounds. Like I said, with idiots like this in charge we are all doomed. If you have time, this is an interesting podcast (it's long) where the guest (Randall Carlson) presents his theory for how much man has contributed to climate change in addition to what is considered "cyclical". Honestly, I am not smart enough to know one way or the other (too much science for me), but interesting nonetheless Interesting tweets I read the other day: @mims: I know Obama says this is a battle against cynicism but this isn't cynicism, it's just a practically unavoidable scenario. @mims: Implications of this are not often appreciated. One is the bottom billion humans are probably doomed on a century timescale. @mims: The other implication is that fairly large-scale adaptation to climate change from 2050 or so on will be the unending order of the day. @mims: Can we survive this existential threat? Certainly. But it will eventually consume our resources at a world war-scale. @mims: I stopped being an environmental reporter in 2012 after this piece. It stands up well and probably will for decades. http://motherboard.vice.com/read/how-our-disinterest-in-the-environment-signals-the-end-of-nature I tend to agree with his bottom billion comment. I am of the thought that technological innovation will prevail, but there is no real incentive until there is a legitimate threat to developed nations. By then, how many people will have died in poor nations? I am sure the migration problems we see today are small compared to what we have coming to us in the future as a result of climate change. Quote
vmax Posted December 27, 2015 Author Posted December 27, 2015 I am not making this up.... It's Christmas right? Never before have I heard "The chocolate is beginning to melt!"Any Saturday, on route 108 heading towards Clarksville, I saw a tree in full bloom!!!! Only 1 tree with the redish-pinkish buds. It was spring to this guy. I flipped out.I drive all over the state and one day last week I saw flocks of birds heading south and then heading north. They did not know which way to go.I still have flowers blooming in my garden.72 degrees at kick off. Quote
Spen Posted December 27, 2015 Posted December 27, 2015 Whenever it's really cold a bunch of goofs I know who don't believe post silly memes on Facebook, etc mocking believers of global warming. Now when its in the mid 70s after Christmas they post nothing about it. Odd. Quote
RavenMad Posted December 27, 2015 Posted December 27, 2015 We had a couple of days last week that were warmer than quite a few days in summer! Quote
thundercleetz Posted December 28, 2015 Posted December 28, 2015 On 12/27/2015 at 5:18 PM, Spen said: Whenever it's really cold a bunch of goofs I know who don't believe post silly memes on Facebook, etc mocking believers of global warming. Now when its in the mid 70s after Christmas they post nothing about it. Odd. Quote
Spen Posted December 28, 2015 Posted December 28, 2015 On 12/28/2015 at 2:13 AM, thundercleetz said: Lol, I don't remember seeing that. Funny. Quote
cravnravn Posted December 28, 2015 Posted December 28, 2015 On 12/27/2015 at 3:45 PM, vmax said: I am not making this up.... It's Christmas right? Never before have I heard "The chocolate is beginning to melt!"Any Saturday, on route 108 heading towards Clarksville, I saw a tree in full bloom!!!! Only 1 tree with the redish-pinkish buds. It was spring to this guy. I flipped out.I drive all over the state and one day last week I saw flocks of birds heading south and then heading north. They did not know which way to go.I still have flowers blooming in my garden.72 degrees at kick off.Yup I lived in Baltimore/PA for 51 years, never recall a Christmas being 70 degrees, we are stuck at 85 degrees, and its supposed to be this way til new years eve.heck the ocean temps yesterday were 70 plus degrees. It's crazy, and I like crazy. Now don't forget, western part of Texas received 16" of snow yesterday. So I wouldn't plant your gardens up north yet. Quote
dc. Posted December 28, 2015 Posted December 28, 2015 You shouldn't be able to recall a Christmas like this... the last week was almost all record breakers and by a good bit. I think I heard the old record on Christmas Eve was like 64 and it was 65 at midnight that morning, reached over 70 during the day. Same thing on Christmas. And I LOVE that Chris Farley sketch. Quote
papasmurfbell Posted December 28, 2015 Posted December 28, 2015 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3E0a_60PMR8I wonder if anyone has asked Jim whats going on. Quote
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