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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary

Ozzzie Moves


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I am all for trading back (from 1st round) to get mord picks.

I hear we (Oz) would have passed on Dez Bryant if Dallas hadnt swapped with NE.


My take: Oz was pissed when we lost out on Gresham, Demaryius and Bryant and, when offered the 3 Denver picks for Tebow,

said "cool, lets take it, regroup for tomorrow and see what we get in round 2 ".


I get what he did and like the extra picks but dont understand why we passed on Odrick (Penn State) and Kyle Wilson(Boise). I thought these guys were absolutely on our radar screen but we whiffed on em. I mean we need a CB and DT/DE bad.


Whats the deal ? Anyone have another take ?

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I believe that once Bryant was drafted, Ozzie felt there were a lot of players of similar value now left on the board, and that by trading back 18 spots, he could still grab someone he might have taken at 25. Add to this the fact we pick up an extra 3rd and 4th rounder, don't have to pay anybody 1st round money, and it was a no-brainer. Someone we really like will fall to 42, and once that happens, this boards attitude will change.

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As I said last night, it was reported that the Ravens had zero interest in Kyle Wilson, quoting an executive as saying that he "couldn't cover Chad Johnson".


I love what he's done so far. There was no one worth taking where we were, and we had no bullets to move up. The future is just as important as the present.

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As I said last night, it was reported that the Ravens had zero interest in Kyle Wilson, quoting an executive as saying that he "couldn't cover Chad Johnson".


Now that I think about it... can any of our corners cover Chad "Johnson"?

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AWesome video. Bisciotti is the man. He broke it all down, for the 25th pick we got anquan boldin, a 2nd and a 5th. Nice. And another team tried to jump in front of denver for tebow? wonder who that was.


Now that I think about it... can any of our corners cover Chad "Johnson"?

OUr best chance would be Webb jamming him at the line. Lord knows foxworth and washington only play 10 yards off the LOS.

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I like at the end of the video... "And we know who it is... Tebow." And then they all smirk.


As in, "really, we just traded and got all this... and they wanted to move for Tebow?"

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I like at the end of the video... "And we know who it is... Tebow." And then they all smirk.


As in, "really, we just traded and got all this... and they wanted to move for Tebow?"

"they all smirk"? I only saw one face at a time... Anyway we have to trust that they know what they're doing going into the draft, and have scoped out various probable scenarios and developed contingencies, which obviously they have. John Clayton voted our day-2 as a winner, we drafted depth in need areas while corraling identified talent so there is everything to look forward to this coming training camp, esp. the fight for no. 2 TE, how Kindle battles for position, how cody "shapes up"...

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both ESPN and NFL network teams were gushing over this orgnanization.


I agree with an "A" grade, but I wish more of these draft-breakdowns would mention Anquan Boldin as part of our draft. Otherwise, we'd either have another 3rd and 4th round pick, a guy like Dan Williams or Kyle Wilson at #25, or would have traded up to get Dez Bryant.


I don't see how you give a draft of Boldin, Kindle, Cody, Dickson, Pitta, Reed, another 300-pound DT, and a 6'6 350 lb guard/tackle prospect anything less than an A or A+. That's a ton of weapons on both sides of the ball.


And when we sign a free agent corner in the next few weeks, everyone will stop talking about corners as well. But we do need to sign one.

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Are we sure it is the coverage and it wasnt the pressure?


The lack of pressure allowed the receivers to get separation, but the lack of depth and poor play in the secondary was the reason for the missed tackles and multitude of flags.

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The lack of pressure allowed the receivers to get separation, but the lack of depth and poor play in the secondary was the reason for the missed tackles and multitude of flags.

How many of them flags or miss tackles dont happen if the QB is on his ass?


How many sacks did we have last season?


I am sure there is quarterback pressure stats out there some where.

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How many of them flags or miss tackles dont happen if the QB is on his ass?


How many sacks did we have last season?


I am sure there is quarterback pressure stats out there some where.


We had 32 sacks last year, which ranked 18th in the league, tying the Jets, Giants, Titans and Bills.


On the other hand, we had 22 interceptions, which was 5th, tying Carolina.


Our 100 pass deflections put us at #8, right behind the Jets' 103.


Our problem isn't that we don't have corners on the roster... it's that, by playoff time, we don't have corners on the field.


Ray and Ed can help out anyone we put out there for now, but we're going to need to come up with another playmaker in the secondary going forward (like what we had with Webb pre-injury)

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Sacks are only half of the equasion, show me a stat for "pressures", thats the tell tale, you throw that QB's timing off by 1/2 a second, and its a pick six or incomplete pass. If we can get 3/4 of the play out of a CB (Washington, Carr, or Foxy) we can have a succesful campaign as we did in 2000 with the beef boys up front..Back in 2000 we only had C-Mac back there on the left side, Starks and Herring both benefited from the play of the front 7.

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We had 32 sacks last year, which ranked 18th in the league, tying the Jets, Giants, Titans and Bills.


On the other hand, we had 22 interceptions, which was 5th, tying Carolina.


Our 100 pass deflections put us at #8, right behind the Jets' 103.


Our problem isn't that we don't have corners on the roster... it's that, by playoff time, we don't have corners on the field.Ray and Ed can help out anyone we put out there for now, but we're going to need to come up with another playmaker in the secondary going forward (like what we had with Webb pre-injury)


True. Still I know it is not making any sense, but in the same time it was when our DBs stepped up.. Fox, Carr, Landry, Zib and yes Walker too! In the last 12 games including playoffs our DBs did their part.. something very similar happend the year before.

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I believe that once Bryant was drafted, Ozzie felt there were a lot of players of similar value now left on the board, and that by trading back 18 spots, he could still grab someone he might have taken at 25. Add to this the fact we pick up an extra 3rd and 4th rounder, don't have to pay anybody 1st round money, and it was a no-brainer. Someone we really like will fall to 42, and once that happens, this boards attitude will change.

I believe this may be an appropriate time for "I told you so."

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