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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary


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Everything posted by oldno82

  1. Works for me. Question is, does it work for Irsay?
  2. Lamar is going to be an albatross around our neck as long as he's with the team. We might as well cut him loose for all the nothing we're going to get for him with the tag on him. Hate to say this, really, but we might have to just let him go as a free agent and spend the $32 million elsewhere if nothing develops during or right after the draft. We're rapidly approaching the lowest point of the Ravens history here. And, please Harbs...stop blowing sunshine up our ass about how much you/we love Lamar.
  3. I hope that what I heard from Harbaugh's 'everything is beautiful' presser today was merely because he hadn't had time to digest what Lamar's tweet really said. The time for such sentiments with Lamar is over. Harbs needs to be more circumspect when he is asked about Lamar and not be such a fan boy. Now, as long as I'm dreaming, it would be great if we could work out a deal with the Colts and draft, lets say, Will Levis. yeah...I'm dreaming.
  4. And right on cue is Mike Preston's latest: https://www.baltimoresun.com/sports/analysis/preston/bs-sp-lamar-jackson-trade-request-preston-20230327-pgiytaxgffcftd7i5fkjnvjuva-story.html
  5. Another board I lurk at is pretty much "how fast can we trade him". Interspersed here and there with an "Oh no the sky is falling"! Well I, for one, will say this. Yes, many of the games he played were exciting but all that stopped the last two years after he began to get hurt and didn't play the last four games of both seasons. I was especially disheartened when he didn't show up for the sidelines of the Cincy game. Now anybody can get hurt but this past year it seemed his injury was more an excuse than a reason. The last 4 games watching his 'All-Star' backup weren't very good. What really gets me is I think he planned this exit over the last two years. His 'friend' Marquise was traded and though Brown hasn't done much, Lamar sulked on the sidelines. And as is true with running quarterbacks injuries, mount up and take a toll on talent if they can't adapt to become pocket passers. With all that mess we were then treated to him demanding an exorbitant contract that would have crippled the rest of the team. Time is ripe for him to go. Preston was right.
  6. Somewhat relieved that we're now in the public stages of 'the mess'. While I'd prefer a trade with the Colts for two picks I'd be happy to see him go to anybody really. Just get out of town and let us get on with the future of the Ravens. Question now becomes, does anybody really want him for what they'd have to give up in a trade. EDC might have to settle for less if someone fails to give him an offer sheet. But at this point, I want to see the Ravens front office actively seek a trade. Come on Eric...start working their phones now!
  7. I'm beginning to think Lamar is living in an alternate universe.
  8. People who post here are, on the whole, more rational than some of the other sites. Less likely to be insulting too.
  9. Don't know how to upload it like you do but how about Paul Simon's 'There Must Be 50 Ways to Leave Your Lover'?
  10. I say we pick up his option and see if we can get a long term deal for a cap friendly amount.
  11. It's beginning to sound as if the 2023 season might be a real downer. I don't see a happy Lamar signing long term here and I expect him to hold out until the regular season. I think it will have a negative effect on our fan base and maybe even the whole team. I do wonder if the Colts might make a push to sign him there. I'd take their first two number ones, especially this year where they have the 4th overall pick. What ticks me off, though not as much as Lamar, is that EDC didn't go after a decent free agent quarterback. There were a lot of guys to be had on the cheap that are better than Huntley.
  12. Idle thoughts while there's no news...if nobody else wants Lamar are we sure we want to give him the kind of deal we were offering before free agency? If we scale down our offer, maybe we could boost up the rest of the team or are we locked in?
  13. I wonder if/when will know if he's had a serious offer. BTW all the decent 'bridge' quarterbacks are going fast. Mayfield, Brisset, etc. And we have no money to spend.
  14. Hard to say. Lamar has become very difficult for me to read and sounds like the Ravens have the same problem.
  15. Interesting if that scenario was to develop though it sounds like the team that signs him in order to trade him might be stuck with a lot of dead money but maybe there's a way around that too.
  16. I really hope we get him back here. We need his veteran savvy and work ethic.
  17. Yep, I guess will know a lot more, or have a lot more rumors, Wednesday. BTW, is there anything that would prevent a team from tagging, matching an offer sheet and then trading a player to the team that wanted him for more than 2 first round picks?
  18. Maybe, maybe Monday we'll find out if there's any interest in Lamar. And,also, what Aaron Rodgers is going to do.
  19. Saw that about Gus on local Sports TV tonight. Glad we're able to fit him in. Meanwhile that was a BIG deal between CHI and Carolina!
  20. I wonder if Lamar will seek out an agent because of the situation now...seems like it would be for the best for all sides and potential sides involved.
  21. While I hope Lamar winds up here, and in a good frame of mind, I would think another decent FA QB could get us to 10 wins. Shame we missed out on Geno just in case we go that route.
  22. Oh...I get it. Thanks for clarifying!! Glad I didn't offend you.
  23. Hmmm...I guess we're not the only ones not seeing $200 mil guaranteed as obscene. At least so far. What potential suitors are left?
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