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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary


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Everything posted by TBird

  1. As usual.
  2. Back in Denver, I really had my probs in that hotel. After the game all the guys in my group went to this big steak house. Only prob, the cheapest meal was $100. Now I had $1,000 on me but I never pay $100 for a meal so I sat there eating nothing. One guy suggested snake which matched my personality. That was only $80. So my roomie said I'll take you to McDonalds afterwards but they were closed so I went up to the hotel restaurant which was closed. I went over to the bar to get something to drink and the bar tender walked away from me because I was wearing my colors and he was pissed because they lost. Elvis beat them for crying out loud. There were 3 Denver fans sitting at the end of the bar and I said hi - nice game wasn't it. They ignored me. The bar tender came out and I yelled at him to come over and he went back into the kitchen. So I left but as I got on the elevator and as he door closed the guy at the end of the bar yelled f.......u...... So I went back up and walked in and you should have seen his face. They were all laughing at me til I showed up. The bar tender went back into the kitchen. I said did you say something to me as I went down. I was in the elevator and couldn't hear it. He said nothing. I yelled, now say that to my face and he said nothing. I laughed at them and walked out. The next morning I complained to the manager and he said you weren't served because you started a fight. I said fight? All I said was nice game. How is that starting a fight. I said I'll write about this and sent a letter to the president of the company. Told them they shut me in my room and wouldn't help me get new clothes when I had the cash, then they wouldn't serve me because I wore my colors. He sent a letter of apology back and gave me a coupon for a free night at the hotel. He fired the bar tender and reprimanded the manager. Man, I hate that town. I was so happy when Seattle beat them in the SB and especially when we beat them in the POs and Manning threw the pick to Corey and Tucker won it. Man, I hate Denver. I love Miami.
  3. Enjoy the pirate ship. When my friend went to SB 35 I asked which stadium was better and he said theirs. It has he pirate ship. Another friend sat a few rows under the ship and the broadcasters called the game from up there. So my friend turned around and yelled hey Ditka, what do you think of that defense now and he shrugged his shoulders and she meh. Ditka always was a prick and hated Bmore because he's from West Penn. Screw him.
  4. Nobody believes this story. I went to the last playoff game in Miami on my own. That was the game Reed had that big interception. I sat up top on the 40 yard line. Reed ran to his left but up top we saw the entire right side line open up with nobody there. Reed saw it too and cut to his right and scored in a big win. Like I said, I was on my own and needed a ride to the stadium. All the rental cars were booked in Miami. I was at the pool and Ravens fans took the place over. Some guys were drinking at the bar wearing their colors so I walked over and said Go Ravens. We all gave each other the hi fives. I bought them all a round of drinks. It was a man and his 3 sons. Then I asked how they were going to the game and they had a car and an extra seat so the drove me. these were complete strangers. We also went to a cool Ravens pub on Hollywood Beach. Place loaded with chicks to get laid. I go all the way to Miami and get laid by a girl from Baltimore. So Sunday's the game and the driver said do you know your way back and I said yea, I've been here plenty of times. Well it was like 98 that day and 108 inside the stadium. When I walked out I went the wrong way around the stadium. Someone pointed me the other way and had to walk all the way around again. My ankle swelled up after having 5 surgeries the year before and I was limping. Three guys were sitting on a pickup and said hey are you lost. I said yea, I'm looking for the orange lot. He said Baltimore is 1800 miles that way and pointed north. I gave him the finger and they jumped off the truck and came at me. I couldn't walk let alone fight so I dropped to my knees and started praying and said Dear Lord if you can get me out of this I won't say or do anything bad again. Just then a voice said is there a problem here. It was a cop. and I said no officer I was just praying and God sent these fine gentlemen to give me directions to the orange lot. Then a guy on a bike rode up with one of those big seats on the back and said I know where it is and I hopped on the seat and rode off. The cop rode off and I turned around and gave the guys the finger again. Anyway, I finally got back and I didn't think those guys would be waiting for me. All the cars on the lot were gone but there they were. The only car on the entire lot. They were complete strangers but yet waited for me. They laughed their asses off when I pulled up on the back of that bike with my t shirt over my head hanging down from my hat looking like a freaking arab in the desert. They said you said you knew your way around. I said the sun must have gotten to me. Not only that they were barbecuing steak and saved me some. We stayed another hour eating steak. But I told them about a big beach party so we went and there were over a thousand Ravens fans with loud music. They said, man, it's a good thing we ran into you. When you're on the road wearing your colors everyone from Baltimore becomes your family - complete strangers take care of you. It's the biggest rush in the world especially during the POs. Nobody believes that story about the 3 guys but I swear it's true. I never heard that cop drive up, and neither did the 3 guys. They stopped dead in their tracks as they saw him. God sent me an angel to protect me. I really believe that and I hardly deserved it.
  5. #82 - Thanks for the comment, man. Glad you enjoyed the story. Here's another one. I was in the end zone by the rail in that Miami game and these three gorgeous black chicks walked in and sat next to me. I was like the only guy in the entire row so I guess they were lonely. The one chick started talking about Barnes. She knew all about Barnes so I said why didn't he go to one of the big 3 Florida schools and she said he liked the courses in the smaller school. I'm laughing my ass off like yea sure. He was a high school all american in Miami and couldn't even get in The U. So I asked the chick how she knew so much about Barnes and she said, he's my boyfriend as she leaned all over me. I was taking pics of the Ravens side line at the time with a zoom lens. When I got home and got the pic, there was Barnes with his hands on his hips looking straight up at me with his girl leaning all over me. Man, he looked like he wanted to kill me.
  6. I was there and thought there were more than 22,000-lol. Remember the game when the ball was 6'' from the goal line and Billick went for the FG to tie. Then Stover missed a chip shot in OT and good old CAM beat Billick with an 80 yard play. Man, it was a long ride home from Miami after that game but the book says you go for the win on the road. Youre suppose to lose anyway. Billick was confused and thought it was a home game because all of the purple in that stadium. So Billick was the only coach to lose to CAM-lol, and that got him fired. Thing is, the players on the side line were pissed as hell that Billick went for the tie. They threw their helmets on the ground and every thing. Billick lost the team then and Bisciotti saw it and fired him. That ball was right in front of me and anyone in that stadium could have fallen forward for theTD plus he had McGahee. So there's a rookie QB, Troy Smith who came in when Boller got hurt arguing with Billick on the side line which took a lot of balls for a rookie to do and Billick said I'm the coach and we do it my way. Billick said after the game it was just a tough call to make so I took the FG.
  7. Despite all the probs in the secondary and losing to Cinci which we should have won, the Ravens defense is ranked in the middle of the pack over-all but #11 in the rush rankings. Not bad as we should be 3-1 after Sunday. It should climb even higher when Webbie is 100% and Will Hill returns. The rush rank could go as high as top 5 with overall D in top 10 - maybe! http://www.footballoutsiders.com/stats/teamdef
  8. It's always a ''trap'' game when they play a lessor opponent. They play down to lousy teams every year. They'll beat Piss and then lose to an easy team. Same happens to them. Piss beats us and then loses. It's hard to keep up the emotional level every week.
  9. LOL - Nothing's been proven DC said: There's the 16 errors they changed after their initial report went out. All that was uncovered by Deadspin which he refuses to accept. Then there was their own admission of the texts and people having trouble understanding them. Those two have them running for cover which most people but dc and Smurf recognize. Here's another in a long list of comedy errors by them but some people just don't get it: Here’s what Ley first said: Ravens officials have said that they did not have a full picture of what happened in the elevator until the video was made public, but sources said the Ravens had a cell phone copy of the inside elevator video all along … Here’s what ESPN said 25 minutes later: "We want to correct an earlier report. The Ravens at no point had a cell phone video of that incident, but they had a detailed account." They did correct it. Give them credit for that. But still, it diminishes the credibility of the investigation. And I think it might ultimately point to a flaw in the “Outside the Lines” investigation itself, which feels mushy in terms of what the head of security for the Ravens saw or didn’t see and knew or didn’t know about that video and who he told. You can read an account of the ESPN gaffe and correction at Deadspin, which first reported it, here. That's enough miscues to dis-credit ESPN entirely. ESPN has excellent investigative reporters, but the channel’s credibility is deeply compromised by its multi-million-dollar contracts with the NFL and others. (Remember LeBron James making his Miami announcement in a primetime special on ESPN?) ESPN’s history of self-policing with ombudsmen has been a joke. So, ESPN does have a financial interest in pointing the finger at the Ravens rather than its business partner, the NFL. That was reported by The Sun. The Ravens have their probs too but admitted to their mistakes. LOL - UM, admitting that he didn't order the tape and forward it to the NFL is a big admission of guilt. That was one of the biggest charges vs him and he came clean. He had the presser to answer the charges vs him that were bogus and dispute them one by one. Otherwise, he would have really looked bad. As a result, he looked good and people are saying he'll be OK. And yet, Another hole in ESPNs story: Curiously, OTL's story doesn't ever mention the Associated Press report claiming that an NFL official did in fact have a copy of the elevator tape, seemingly accepting the NFL's explanation that nobody in the league office saw the tape until it was released by TMZ. Between that angle, which the reporters on this story surely didn't just forget about, and the people who look bad here working to save themselves, you can surely expect more revelations in the days and weeks to come. This story has more holes than a pack of swiss cheese but you guys can't see it but carry on. These are DCs exact words: ____________________________ I want him to own up and return himself and the front office to the level of credibility I believed they had until about 6 months ago. I'm not out to get anyone, I'm disappointed and pissed off. ___________________________ Again, he did own up to the mistakes he made. He said he's pissed off. That's a lot of hate right there. Ive seen Ravens fans that would agree with him but he's so emotionally involved that he's pissed off. Again, the plundets above said Bisc did fine and will be OK. It just happened. Maybe he will sue. A lot of fans are calling for it but he's not a vindictive guy.
  10. Whatever. Just get back to me when he's suspended and forced to sell from all that evidence from those "confirmed (bogey) sources''. In the meantime, try to enjoy the Ravens, if you can. I will as we should be 3-1 after Sunday.
  11. On the bright side, Greg Hardy won't be playing so Hurst should be OK Sunday. He doesn't go vs a top pass rusher til Cinci and hopefully Monroe will be back by then.
  12. LOL - No evidence has come from those "confirmed sources." Anyone can make up a number and put a text name to it. Again, atlanta, and HARBs haven't been proven. Bisc would have been suspended himself by now like Jimmy Irsay was. You're really cold if you can't accept a man's apology and admission who did nothing to you personally. You're so pissed off that you will never be able to enjoy the Ravens again. You'll piss when they show Bisc in the sky box. Sad, very sad but get back to me when he's been suspended or forced to sell the team because of the evidence from the ''confirmed sources.'' ILMAO
  13. LOL - The evidence hasn't been presented from those ''confirmed sources.'' What about ESPN making changes to the original story to cover its. That's the real cover up. It's possible fraud. Nothing has been proven and Rice could make up an account number and put a name to it. ESPN is the one running for cover and all those comments above want an apology from them, not Bisc. If you can't accept his apology, then that is really bad. You want him to hang because you're pissed off. You should really stop following the Ravens because no one that I've seen on the boards is as cold and pissed off over Bisc as you are. It's a shame. There's enough evidence to dis-credit espn but not him but you won't believe anything that's presented unless it makes him look bad.
  14. So what? They finally admitted the mistakes. He came clean and that's why the rest of his story is believeable to everyone but you. He came clean with the bad stuff, aplogized and regrets doing it. He could have been like Nixon and said I'm not a crook and gone out that way but he didn't. How many times are you gonna hang him? Again, I posted remarks from Bayless who said he did fine and will be OK, so did his partner and others. The only one left in denial is you. But if espn has other blemishes on their reporting plus all these errors I've pointed out, it is really in bad shape. He's also accused of meeting with Goody in Atlanta. That has not been proven, nor that HARBs wanted to cut Rice in Feb. None of the above has been proven which is why so many want an apology or retraction as those comments stated above and they were national comments. Most people can see the errors of espn but you. Like the comment said, it's bad when we're down to getting news from TMZ and Al Queda's site - Al Jereez-sp.
  15. You just used "cover up" before that you used "concealed," none of which has been proven. You made light of the espn errors. Again, the team admitted to its mistakes. You can't get more cooperative than that. The dumb reporters couldnt even re-phrase their own questions when asked to. Here's a bunch of comments about ESPNs errors and theyre not from Ravens fans. They're from across the country. ESPN has had these errors before like Jameis Winston article that just came out. Somehow ESPN failed to leave out the important detail of a failed extortion attempt by the victim and her lawyer. ___________________________________________________ That is awful journalism to basically re-write texts and imply they are original quotes ... permalink [–]Ravensspooky981 325 points 1 day ago * When the article was released it actually claimed AQ Shipley watched the week one game at Rice's house in Maryland. Which is impossible because Shipley started at center for the Colts that same day. It was very silently deleted from the ESPN article - apparently one of sixteen changes ESPN has made to the article without explanation. Sounds like ESPN rushed the story to get it out immediately after the commissioner's press conference. But they did so at the expense of veracity and integrity of the article. I don't think the entire thing is a lie. But you also can't look at it as the bible anymore. ESPN was clearly pushing a narrative. permalinkparent [–]askinnydude 29 points 1 day ago I hate that they do this. At least man up and print an apology or retraction when you fuck up instead of sweeping it under the rug. But nope, most of the time the errors just get deleted. It was very silently deleted from the ESPN article. permalinkparent [–]BrownsResident_Wizard 9 points 21 hours ago I would trust a reporter who writes a retraction, clarification, or apology about something they were incorrect on rather than try and hide the fact. They write a few articles a day and have to provide breaking news all the time. I don't care if you get it wrong if you at least inform me you get it wrong. The reporter that does that would have some real weight behind what they say. At least Peter King didn't pound his chest about the whole Ray Rice and what his sources said thing. He said now the guy is back tracking and saying it was a logical assumption on his part, but doesn't have the fact to back it up. I don't think it takes very much if anything away from Peter and I'll still be paying attention to what he says next time. permalinkparent load more comments (1 reply) load more comments (1 reply) [–]VikingsKushedCudi 101 points 1 day ago Whats new? It's the same thing with the Jameis Winston article that just came out. Somehow ESPN failed to leave out the important detail of a failed extortion attempt by the victim and her lawyer. ESPN is a fucking joke almost to the point where I want to do something about it. permalinkparent [–]SeahawksLemzz 100 points 1 day ago TMZ more reliable sports journalists than ESPN, and ESPN bigger gossips. What a world we live in. permalinkparent [–]Panthersroodypoo926 45 points 1 day ago What a time to be alive when the two most credible, reliable journalistic entities are TMZ and Al-Jazeera permalinkparent
  16. 1. You haven't proven any facts other than the mistakes admitted to. That is the problem. You're like the rest of the cybor lynch mob. There's nothing wrong with calling them out when they are wrong but nothing has been proven wrong so your part of the lynch mob. You keep saying the facts I've proven are insignificant. That's why I wondered if you were related. 2. Deadspin presented enough facts to sink them alone. 3. It hasn't been proven that Bisc met with Goodell in Atlanta or Harbs wanted to cut Rice. 4. The sources really seem to be from people who had grudges with the Ravens like Shipley and Rice and if the Ravens tried to offer him a job in the future, he burned that bridge by releasing the texts. This also came out after Rice was cut and then suspended by the NFL. No team will want him now. 5. Like I said, this has never happened before and Ravens made mistakes as other teams would have in the same situation but Minn has learned from the mistakes. They cut AD right away w/o a trial. At least the Ravens waited for the trial before cutting him and that didn't come out til the 2d video.
  17. 1. That could be or might be issues. They haven't been proven yet. Nothing has. 2. LOL - If the texts didn't have context, they weren't correct. We have a saying on the other board, context is everything. Things are often taken out of context when reporting. 3. Again, you downyplay Shipley. Even KVV said it was an editor's mistake but he's supposed to read the edits. If he disagrees he has to say so. 4. The editor doesn't know Shipley's name. It had to be given to him. KVV would know it. 5. ESPN made 16 changes to the original story after it was published and they're ducking for cover now.
  18. What's outrageous is when the errors have been proven and certain people say they're insignificant and they're not. The Shipley error alone has ESPN running and you won't admit that. Other media sites posted above have called them out as pointed out above and certain people say they're not significant. That is out-rageous. I just asked a question if someone was employed or related to the parties. I never used any names like trolls etc. The only thing proven are the mistakes Ravens admitted to. The main attacks pointed out above have not been proven. What's really out-rageous if you really think the organization concealed all that and are covering their butts when they just admitted to mistakes, mistakes any organization would make under those conditions, well, you should root for another team. I doubt the Ravens want you. I've presented sound arguments defending them while you keep saying the errors are insignficant. In fact, you've done exactly what the Squeelers fans are doing. When one saw me he couldn't wait to hit the Ravens with the ESPN story. You're attacking the Ravens more than they are. In fact, most Ravens fans on two boards are saying Bisciotti should sue ESPN for defamation of character after all the errors have been pointed out. I'm not defending the Ravens as a fan but because the thruth is on their side and Bisc admitted to his mistakes and took things like a man.
  19. Of course you wouldn't say torn apart just like you said Shipley error was no big deal. Are you KVV's son?
  20. Um, nothing has been corraborated, just torn apart by PFT and Deadspin. ILMAO. We pointed out some major inaccuracies that other news outlets agree with but not you. Do you work for ESPN? Just wondering.
  21. Of course you find it less than significant just like Smurf said the Shipley error was no big deal. My quote couple of pages back from espn says they can understand how it would be confusing but not to you-lol. Another fact that hasn't been proven is that it's never been proven that HARBs said he wanted to cut Rice in Feb as the story says. So we have two major accusations that haven't been proven - Bisc meeting Goody in Atlanta and HARBs wanting to cut Rice. The espn story does say that Rice believes he was offered a bribe with a future position with the team. That was a direct accusation. LOL - Then they're not allowed to reveal the sources. The law lets them but not the Journalism code. When Mark Viviano met with Nest 1 I asked if he could reveal the names of his sources when he broke said the Browns were coming here. He said maybe in 80 yrs if we're still alive and the sources are dead.
  22. I never bought a PSL and was shocked when Art announced them. He needed more money he was so much in debt. I think Cleveland has them to which shut out a lot of the old faithful fans that couldn't afford them. I refused to buy them, an old circus trick to pay twice for the same seat but I still went to the games. I probably sat in every section of the stadium but towards the last few years I sat in the club level. I was paying $100 pr ticket 6 yrs ago there and they are now $300 pr tickets in sec 222 which is on the 10 yard line. Club level tics on the 50 yd line are twice that. I paid $200 for each ticket for the 2003 playoff game vs Tenn. I went to all the games played in Arizona's old stadium. Ravens fans took it over. I walked in and there were thousands of empty seats so I took a seat on the 50 yd line in the first row. Thought for sure I'd get kicked out but there were no ushers and no one claimed the seat. I asked someone how much were they and he said $50-lol. I said this seat in Bmore would be closer to $500 and he was shocked, I paid $25. I havent been to their new dome so I'm sure they're a lot more now. It was the same in JAX and Miami. We always took over those stadiums except for the playoff games in Miami and the seats were really cheap. In Denver we got tics in the nose bleed for $90 in 01. We drove out to Denver because it was a week after 9/11 and we were afraid to fly. My friend had a condo in Aspen but I got high altitude sickness, which is some scary stuff. They sent me down to Denver in an ambulance which was a 2 hour drive. Spent the first two days (Thurs and Fri) in a Denver hospital and nobody in my family knew where I was. My cell was dead and up in Aspen with the rest of my clothes. The doc said, you mean to tell me you drove all the way out here to go to a football game? I said not just any game but a Ravens game. He said we'll get you well enough to see them lose. They finally let me leave late friday but my clothes and car were still in Aspen. My room mate was bringing them down on Sat. So I walked out of the hospital in one of those gowns wearing just my pants, money belt and those tote socks. The cabbie dropped me off to buy a pair of shoes at Payless. The hotel door man wouldn't let me in. I looked like I escaped from a mental institution. I slipped him $20 to look for my name on the register and he found it. They let me in but said to stay in my room til the clothes arrived. Man, what a trip and that's only half of it.
  23. The guy accused of the coverup already admitted his mistakes including the biggest one of not ordering the tape and forwarding it to Goody. That is what makes him so credible as Skip Bayless and other plundets have said. He also denied meeting with Goody in Atlanta and no one has proved it. That is bad reporting by ESPN. When Nixon was accused the WASH POST had evidence leaked by Felt and Nixon was forced to resign in the greatest reporting job in the history of newspapers. There is nothing wrong if Cass is the source. We don't know who the source is but it's unlikely Cass who would be making the boss look bad and cutting his own throat. Bisc would know who it is. So anything other like Shipley who has a grudge or Ray's camp who have a grudge is hearsay which isn't allowed in court for a reason. Journalists arent even allowed to name their sources but they still have a high standard to be right. If they're constantly wrong they will be discredited as ESPN has in this piece as PFT pointed out. The term yellow journalism came from the Hearst school of sensationalism and playing on fears and public opinion. And who said KVV asked good questions? The PFT quote called out some of their flaws in the stories and problems with it and more than one. The entire story is slanted vs Bisciotti. Someone with a contact at espn said things are getting ugly there. This is what that source said which is hearsay to us. We can't rely on it but here it is. It's all he said, she said ...... _____________________________________ Ugly in terms of the executives in charge being pissed. On the TV side whenever Keith Olbermann is working for them there are going to be issues. He's a real dick and constantly causing problems. Some executives like the controversy because they feel it gets them talked about and others hate it. Usually the number that hate it increases and they fire Keith or he leaves and then a couple of years later new executives want to bring him back. He said he's heard it's like that with Simmons. Simmons has this cult around him but most can't stand him. Those who don't like him are going to use this to try and get him out of there. Simmons is the real polarizing guy. The others are barely blips. He never mentioned anything about new stuff with the Ravens or NFL.
  24. Like I said, ESPN has its head up its ass and now PFT calls them out on the text messages Bisc sent to Rice after he was cut. I posted above the quote from ESPN about the mis-hap they said was wrong. PFT says this: While the contents were consistent, the clear and obvious error in the presentation invites fair questions regarding whether other aspects of the story are incorrect, especially in light of the strong (albeit belated) written response the Ravens provided to 15 different aspects of the report. This specific flaw also carries with it some irony. At a time when the Ravens fairly have been hammered for failing to ask for the notorious elevator video, ESPN didn’t ask the Ravens to confirm the precise contents of the text messages sent by Bisciotti. Instead, ESPN asked only if Bisciotti sent two text messages to Rice. The story from ESPN doesn’t disclose that ESPN asked the Ravens only to confirm that Bisciotti sent two text messages and not to confirm the contents of the text messages. But the words selected by the authors invite a perception that the Ravens were informed of the alleged language of the text messages: “Asked about the text messages Friday, the team did not deny Bisciotti had sent them: ‘His text messages to Ray reflect his belief that everyone is capable of redemption and that others, including players, can learn from Ray’s experience.'”
  25. LOL - Yea, people like his cousin, Gary Davis, who started the business with him. They had a business plan and stuck to it and grew. The info had to be accurate to become billionaires. ILMAO
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