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Flacco's Agent Laughs @ Ravens


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Even if it's true you don't go public and gloat about it...It's just bad business to make fun of the hand that feeds you.





Agent Joe Linta, however, told USA Today he has "no sympathy" for the Ravens, who could have signed his client to a much-more cap-friendly contract last year.

He told the newspaper that the hangup in the talks was over "$1 million six years from now." Flacco ended up walking away from a reported five-year extension that would have averaged $16 million per season after the Ravens wouldn't budge.

"I've never in my life seen a dumber move. I guess people can say, 'Well, Joe was dumb, too.' It could have been [dumb], God forbid, if he got hurt. But $1 million to [Ravens owner] Steve Bisciotti six years from now? That's like 100 bucks for you or me today," he told USA Today.

The Ravens likely will be forced to try to restructure Flacco's contract before the 2016 season as his deal is scheduled to carry a $28.55 million cap figure that season.

"I'm not apologetic for the fact this is really a three-year deal, there's no way they can afford $29 million a couple of years from now,'' Linta told USA Today. "I'm not apologetic. They chose to walk away.''




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At the time is the right move to walk away. Flacco hadn't proved he was worth $16m per year. Up until Cam was fired it was looking like a dumb move on Joe's part.


After the end of season and post season that Joe had he deserved what he got in the end.

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This is so unprofessional. I wish Joe would fire him, but I know he won't.


I was thinking the same thing. If Joe wants to be a leader, than make a statement and fire his ass.

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I was thinking the same thing. If Joe wants to be a leader, than make a statement and fire his ass.

I also thought of this and agree he should dump him.

The thing that really pisses me off is that Linta was so cooperative and said so many nice things about the Ravens when the negotiations were underway. Then he turns around and makes a fool out of them.

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I just don't understand why he would bring this up now. He is just rubbing our face in it and I agree with the people who say that this will come back and bite him. He has other clients and will have to deal with those he is maligning again in the future. I promise you that I would remember his attitude and use it against him some time. What a jerk.

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He will take his client to another team. Teams deal with Boras even though they don't like him.

Agree completely he may not be a agent but look at TO teams knew he was going to be a problem but they didn't care they brought him in anyways including yinz. If a player performs at a high level teams don't care including the steelers.
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Linta defends his “Ravens were dumb” comments

Agent Joe Linta made quite the stir recently by taking shots at the Ravens for not signing quarterback Joe Flacco to a long-term deal before Flacco had the kind of leverage that he parlayed into a six-year, $120.6 million contract — which as a practical matter is a three-year, $62 million deal.

On Tuesday morning, Linta appeared on 105.7 The Fan in Baltimore to explain his comments, and to defend them. Linta said the remark had its roots in speculation that Flacco is “greedy” and that his contract resulted in the purge of veteran players.

“I’d been hearing that for about three months now,” Linta said. “And after a while you get sick of it because Joe is a consummate pro, he’s a phenomenal player, a great father, a great husband, and a great son. And to be honest with you in sort of a parental mode I’d kind of gotten sick of the intimations that he was greedy and that type of thing. And I said, ‘Look, I have no sympathy for the Ravens. They chose this. They walked away from the deal in August.’

“Look, they’re brilliant guys. They won a Super Bowl. But I thought it was dumb. Look, if that’s the worst thing that they get called in their existence, then they got a pretty good situation. They know how I feel. Everything I was quoted [on], I told them that in August. This is not news to them. It’s how I feel. I’m allowed to have my opinion.”

Linta attributes the uproar over his remarks to the fact that “it was a slow news weekend and people in the media were sensationalizing to get something to talk about.” While he admits that maybe he should have been a little more politically correct, he insisted that tough talk goes with the territory.

“You don’t think they called me a lot worse that that over the last couple years?” Linta said. “It’s part of the business. You argue. You fight. You have disagreements. It’s nothing personal. [Ravens contract negotiator] Pat Moriarty is welcome in my house every day of the week. I love the guy. I absolutely adore that guy. He’s a pro, he’s a great guy. I think the world of him. But we’re allowed to disagree, correct?”

Though someone from USA Today prompted Linta for his opinion, and he provided it, agents and players and anyone else who makes NFL news need to realize that, whether it’s a press release or a response to an unanticipated question, whatever the person says will be scrutinized for news value. Especially if it comes at a time when things are otherwise slow, via language that seems a blunt or coarse.

Indeed, Linta didn’t merely call the Ravens dumb. He said that “I’ve never in my life seen a dumber move.”

Linta’s not worried that his ability to work with the Ravens will be affected by his comments. “If I need to issue a public apology, if I offended them by using the word ‘dumb,’ then so be it. That’s fine. Hey, I’m sorry,” Linta said. “But I’m allowed to have my opinion. Like I said, they’ve called me a lot worse than that.”

Still, the Ravens haven’t called Linta bad things publicly. That’s the difference here. Arguing privately is one thing. Arguing to the media is another.

Linta definitely isn’t dumb. He went to Yale. Deep down, he surely understands that nothing good comes from taking gratuitous potshots in the press. And he’s trying to minimize the situation to ensure that there won’t be any lingering ill will.

“The bottom line is I do have tremendous respect for them. I always have. But am I allowed to disagree with them? Absolutely.”

We absolutely agree, as long as those disagreements remain private.




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I have no problem with it. It was stupid. We gave Joe WAY too much money. Guy was in the 20's in QBR and only got us a super bowl because of Devners safety botching an easy play. Dumbest contract Ozzie has given out.

So how much would you have paid him?

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So how much would you have paid him?

Given the contracts going out there I would have tried to get him around $15 per year. My hope is that Flacco progresses and eventually is worth his current contract, but I don't get it. We could've given him almost $20 on a 4 year deal and left ourselves less at risk. His new contract leaves ZERO possibility that he outplays it. Even if he catches fire, you don't pay QB's more than we just gave him.


Also, I'm happy they made it 'cap-friendly' in the first 3 years, and am completely aware of the cap ramifications of the deal. I have never been a hater just to be a hater. But the year 4 cap hit is almost $30 Million and leaves us with no leverage when we will have to renegotiate at that stage. I know QB's are the most important position and we'd been searching for a 'franchise' QB until Joe, but his play has been mediocre over the long run, he did nothing to earn a deal with the money he got.

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FB9DAC5A54A4A0CE1B2574D0A0ED9C.jpg Yea....Joe only threw 11 TD's in the playoffs. 3 of them in the Super Bowl. Yea.... He was lucky.

We had it good before Flacco. Don't you just long for the 'good old days'?

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I agree with nearly all of what you say. Joe was probably worth about $16 million but we're just splitting hairs. I do believe he never would have signed for that and he would have got what he wanted from another team in free agency leaving us with no franchise qb and drafting in the #32 position in a draft year that was pretty devoid of franchise qb talent.


I don't think Joe's play has been 'mediocre over the long run' but I would say it hasn't been elite either (though it certainly was in the playoffs and in the Giants game before that).


Bottom Line: Linta had us by the short hairs.


What ticks me off more than anything (even more than the fact that we have to renegotiate it in 3 years) is that Linta was such a douche bag to say what he did publicly.

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Linta has had plenty of time to sugar coat and damage control his latest statement. He's a preening schmo....he was gloating and self promoting when he originally talked to USAToday.


Yea....the Ravens should have signed him last August when his market value was lower....but maybe Joe doesn't explode and take it to the next level.

So they'll restructure in 3 years.

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I read somewhere on the Net today Linta was trying to 'explain' his comments. It seemed to me to be approaching an apology without having to formally apologize.


Whatever...I'm ready to move on.

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FB9DAC5A54A4A0CE1B2574D0A0ED9C.jpg Yea....Joe only threw 11 TD's in the playoffs. 3 of them in the Super Bowl. Yea.... He was lucky.

We had it good before Flacco. Don't you just long for the 'good old days'?

Joe played great in the playoffs, but he wasn't god-like. The Denver game-winner was 100% luck and Boldin saved his ass when he threw into coverage a few times. I like Joe, but he just isn't worth what we are paying. Anyone who tries to claim he is worth that much is just being a homer in my honest opinion.

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