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The sky is not falling....We do have some problems but only have 2 losses, not like we are eliminated from the playoffs already....

With all the injuries and new players, we're 500 after 4, so don't sell the farm just yet...

I said when Caldy was named the OC that he stinks without PM and all he did last year was use Cam's playbook and called them differently which threw other DC's off for that short stretch...

Now we have his playbook, and if you remember, he had no running game in Indy to talk about....

He needs to realize, Joe ain't PM and develop some runs in the game plan instead of whinging it to washed up vets that can't catch....


We'll get em next time !!!!

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Well...the sky has fallen.

Only it was this off season coupled with injuries and this is one new, patched up team. You don't win consistently with that.


There's a lot of football left to play and a lot of talent on this team They will get better as the season progress's.


The question is: By the time they get it together, will they be out of the playoffs hunt?


The whole division is struggling right now and only the division winner will make the playoffs.

Will it be the Ravens?

They have as good a shot as the rest.

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Agree with Max. Too many losses, year of transition, post SB hangover, everyone gunning for us, bad karma - starting season on the road . It all adds up to a .500 season at the very best. I don't think we ve even bottomed out.... yet.


We need to fix our O line, running game and get a WR besides Torrey. You don't fix that in a season . It's going to be a grind all year.

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LOL...Fox was just showing highlights of all the games and they didn't bother to show the Ravens game....it was that bad.

They just said "this game was a shocker and Flacco threw 5 INT's...nuff said."


Bad day at the office...


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Unfortunately, Max, I see a lot more "bad days at the office " on the horizon. This team could easily go 0 for October and not recover until the Jets come calling in early November.


Could' be worse, much worse - could be 0-4 like the Giants .



After seeing todays new "Ugly" can you imagine how UGLY the Steeler game will be!

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Not everyone, including myself, has quit on the team. Its a team in transition and a true work in progress. It may take the latter part of the season, if then, for the team to figure out its identity. Until then, the team is going struggle to find character and chemistry and, hence, how to win games.

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Just because you believe the team is going to struggle it doesn't mean you've quit on this team. The fact of the matter is this is not a good team right now. The wool was pulled over our eyes a bit with that gift Houston win but I honestly think we're the same caliber team as the Steelers. Ok Defense, no running game, turnover prone due to injuries to the offense. Juan Castillo was brought in to fix the running game, but it's only gotten worse. Is it time to go back to that zone block scheme we were successful with in the past?


The tight ends on this roster are a joke, but they continue to be featured in the offense. Dickson has lost his confidence. I understand if they don't want to cut him with our depth issue at TE but at what point does he become seen as the problem instead of part of the solution? If Furstenburg is not any better than some choke artist who drops 3x as man as he catches then he really doesn't even belong on the PS. Clark is more reliable than Dickson but isn't the playmaker the offense requires at the position. Hopefully Thompson's injury isn't serious if he's healthy it's time to gear the offense to more 3 and 4 WR sets, getting the best pass catchers on the field.


As for the defense - they are pretty good, but not good enough to be on the field as much as the anemic offense forces them to be. Especially when they get put on a short field 2 or 3 (or 5) times a game.

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when you pay a QB 62.5 over three years i'm expecting him to make up for any deficiencies the team has. thats what you're paying him for, with all of the crying you guys are doing about everyone but Joe we still had a chance to win that game and JOE threw another int. Joe's performance was the reason we loss and blaming the OC(again just like last year), is once again treating Joe like a big baby. We have no nasty linemen, you know why, because Joe doesn't demand of them to be nasty, Joe is too laid back, and if Joe isn't going to do it then Harbaugh needs to realize we have a softee at QB and he should do it. Joe is not soft physically , he's soft as a leader thats why the offensive lineman play soft because they're taking there q from Joe, Joe's laid back and they block laid back. if joe was fiery and passionate those guys would block with fire and passion, but instead we blame everyone but the guy that has the ball in his hands every offensive play and making the big bucks. BTW, we'll be 4-3 at the bye

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when you pay a QB 62.5 over three years i'm expecting him to make up for any deficiencies the team has. thats what you're paying him for, with all of the crying you guys are doing about everyone but Joe we still had a chance to win that game and JOE threw another int. Joe's performance was the reason we loss and blaming the OC(again just like last year), is once again treating Joe like a big baby. We have no nasty linemen, you know why, because Joe doesn't demand of them to be nasty, Joe is too laid back, and if Joe isn't going to do it then Harbaugh needs to realize we have a softee at QB and he should do it. Joe is not soft physically , he's soft as a leader thats why the offensive lineman play soft because they're taking there q from Joe, Joe's laid back and they block laid back. if joe was fiery and passionate those guys would block with fire and passion, but instead we blame everyone but the guy that has the ball in his hands every offensive play and making the big bucks. BTW, we'll be 4-3 at the bye


I have to agree with you, we invested alot in Joe and he failed yesterday

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Yep, Joe failed. Brady succeeded last night with a bunch of no name, inexperienced WR and an unknown TE against a desperate Atlanta team in a hostile environment. Yes, its Brady but Joe needs to wake up, get control of the O, and slap a few guys across the face.


Note: With this team, right now, we are heading for 2-5 or 3-4 at the bye.

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We're a rebuilding team, I expect there to be some rough patches. At least we are in a good cap situation. A lot of these young players will get better as the season goes on. If I am really concerned about one thing, it is the offensive line. There was an article out the other week that implied the zone schemes installed by Juan Castillo might not be best for the player personnel we have.

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when you pay a QB 62.5 over three years i'm expecting him to make up for any deficiencies the team has. thats what you're paying him for, with all of the crying you guys are doing about everyone but Joe we still had a chance to win that game and JOE threw another int. Joe's performance was the reason we loss and blaming the OC(again just like last year), is once again treating Joe like a big baby. We have no nasty linemen, you know why, because Joe doesn't demand of them to be nasty, Joe is too laid back, and if Joe isn't going to do it then Harbaugh needs to realize we have a softee at QB and he should do it. Joe is not soft physically , he's soft as a leader thats why the offensive lineman play soft because they're taking there q from Joe, Joe's laid back and they block laid back. if joe was fiery and passionate those guys would block with fire and passion, but instead we blame everyone but the guy that has the ball in his hands every offensive play and making the big bucks. BTW, we'll be 4-3 at the bye


I am with you with some of this. He does have to step, be more in control.


But Joe can not block or catch the ball.


Everyone on the team gets paid to do their job, everyone is not.

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We're a rebuilding team, I expect there to be some rough patches. At least we are in a good cap situation. A lot of these young players will get better as the season goes on. If I am really concerned about one thing, it is the offensive line. There was an article out the other week that implied the zone schemes installed by Juan Castillo might not be best for the player personnel we have.

My concern is Juan Castillo

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Yep, Joe failed. Brady succeeded last night with a bunch of no name, inexperienced WR and an unknown TE against a desperate Atlanta team in a hostile environment. Yes, its Brady but Joe needs to wake up, get control of the O, and slap a few guys across the face.


Note: With this team, right now, we are heading for 2-5 or 3-4 at the bye.

Stop watching and thinking like the media.


Brady has nothing to do with Joe or the Ravens.



Even the backups are hurting. Brown went down. Dickhead can't catch his own balls.

You or anyone can not see where this team will be even next week.


The Browns are tied for 1st and the Steelers are last with zero that is 0 wins.

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My concern is Juan Castillo


Add Gradkowsky to that. He was getting bullied and Yanda and Osemele had to over compensate so every thing was out of wack.


This too........


Since the start of 2008, teams that don't rush on more than 20 percent of their plays are a combined 1-56, according to ESPN Stats & Information.

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when you pay a QB 62.5 over three years i'm expecting him to make up for any deficiencies the team has. thats what you're paying him for, with all of the crying you guys are doing about everyone but Joe we still had a chance to win that game and JOE threw another int. Joe's performance was the reason we loss and blaming the OC(again just like last year), is once again treating Joe like a big baby. We have no nasty linemen, you know why, because Joe doesn't demand of them to be nasty, Joe is too laid back, and if Joe isn't going to do it then Harbaugh needs to realize we have a softee at QB and he should do it. Joe is not soft physically , he's soft as a leader thats why the offensive lineman play soft because they're taking there q from Joe, Joe's laid back and they block laid back. if joe was fiery and passionate those guys would block with fire and passion, but instead we blame everyone but the guy that has the ball in his hands every offensive play and making the big bucks. BTW, we'll be 4-3 at the bye

Good to see you are as clueless as ever.

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Actually, there's a lot of blame to go around. Its not on any one player's or unit's shoulders---its a team problem.


Joe had a lousy game. The offensive line looks weak. Castillo's run blocking scheme is in tatters. Dickson and Clark are not the answers at tight end. Frankly we don't have a tight end who is any good and like was mentioned above, if Furstenburg isn't as good or better than these guys why do we have him on the team at all. The secondary is still suspect but getting better. The D-line is OK and so are the LBs. The game plans on offense have been poor.


The offense won't get going until the blocking improves and the run game starts moving. Joe won't succeed without play action and a running game. Joe is not Tom Brady or Peyton Manning. Never was and never will be. But he was good enough to take us through the toughest teams in the league during the playoffs last year and win the Super Bowl.


The only redeeming feature at this point is that the AFC North is a mess. As big or a bigger mess than us.

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