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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary

Favorite Xmas Movies


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Tis the season people!


1) National Lampoons Xmas Vacation

2) A Christmas Story

3) Mickeys Xmas Carol

4) How the Grinch stole Xmas (the cartoon)

5) Miracle on 34th street



Honorable mentions:


A Xmas Carol (Alastair Sim version)

Home Alone 1& 2



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I'll pick Elf, Bad Santa, Christmas Vacation. Die Hard too if it counts.


Love Actually is a good movie.


Funny to see Alistar Sim's A Christmas Carol in this thread. My father loves that one and watches it every year. As a kid around 7 I said I wanted to watch, and he got excited but I meant a new version staring Henry Winkler. He just shook his head.

Edited by Spen
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HEY DUMB BELL (get it? bell Christmas . ringdingaling)

83 put it in his OP.



animation shows I like cold meister/heat meister


bad santa fo sho


and scrooged


reindeer games

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