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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary

Right On Ken Murray


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Right on Ken Murray for exposing what I think is a real problem. All is not well in Ravenland...not all of the players are on the same page. Not all are committed to excellence. Not all of them see they have a great chance to have an incredible season.


Suggs has attended only one camp -- the mandatory one --


This is the guy the Ravens turned into a multi-millionaire last July. Bisciotti awarded Suggs a six-year contract worth $63 million -- $38 million of it guaranteed. The deal made Suggs the highest-paid linebacker in the NFL. He immediately rewarded that loyalty with a cheap imitation season of the Pro Bowler he has been. In 2009, Suggs was sluggish and out of shape much of the year, made just 4.5 sacks and for the first time in his career, missed games (three in the regular season).


There is irony in this development. When Suggs signed his new deal last July, he made this statement: "I'm just looking forward to showing them that they didn't make a mistake and that you've got the right guy. I'm only 26 years of age and my best years are ahead of me. I can only get smarter as my years of experience pile up."


One year later, Suggs hasn't shown the Ravens anything, except perhaps that they overpaid to keep him. Indeed, he was a better player before his payday than after it.



If the Ravens are to have a chance to go anywhere in the playoffs they have to get QB pressure. Especially with an unproven secondary.


The Ravens need a Terrell Suggs playing like his hair is on fire. So far all we got is more talk. There are players who lose their motivation once they cash in and it looks like the Ravens have one.



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Right on Ken Murray for exposing what I think is a real problem. All is not well in Ravenland...not all of the players are on the same page. Not all are committed to excellence. Not all of them see they have a great chance to have an incredible season.




If the Ravens are to have a chance to go anywhere in the playoffs they have to get QB pressure. Especially with an unproven secondary.


The Ravens need a Terrell Suggs playing like his hair is on fire. So far all we got is more talk. There are players who lose their motivation once they cash in and it looks like the Ravens have one.







Suggs is talking out of both sides of his mouth. First, he says he screwed up last year and vowed never to pull that bullcrap again. What a BSer. He need to shut the hell up, train his azz off, eat smart, and get game. Anything short of that proved the guy is a big idiot and waste of talent.


Let see how he shows up in camp. If he doesnt have a Pro Bowl type year, he is no longer relevant for this team and I would just as soon see him move on.

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Sounds like Bengal Fans in here?? Why should we care if he misses volunteer camp? did the Baltimore Colts have OTA's? no they did not.


If Suggs shows at camp 20 lbs over and out of shape, then yes I'll be right along side of you all, but if shows in shape and there are signs that he did workouts on his own then this situation is non-existant.


Dont sweat the small stuff!!!


Lets jump on Harbs for getting special teams camp nixed next week, thats our real albatross.

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Speaking about 'all is not well'...Preston has a good point here...


Cornerback has become the weakness everyone seems to focus on when it comes to the Ravens, but there is still a lot of doubt surrounding the right offensive tackle position.


....According to a team official, Gaither has only suited up twice for the organized minicamps, and participated in only two offseason weight-training sessions....The Ravens are stuck. If Gaither wants to play, then the Ravens are in good shape. If not, they'll move bulked-up guard Marshal Yanda to tackle and insert Chris Chester at right guard. The concern is, what happens if Yanda or Oher get hurt? The Ravens are in real trouble again because backup tackle Oniel Cousins isn't ready mentally or physically to be a starter.




Form what I hear about Gaither I don't think he can get himself is playing shape unsupervised. He will come to camp behind the 8 ball.


Let's say the foot/toe injury is true...that's even worse...the toe killed Ogden's career.


I'll trust Preston's statement on Cousins based on last years performance. I've read some quotes from Cousins and he sounds super motivated and focused. He sees an opportuntity.

Now...can he grab the apple?

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Form what I hear about Gaither I don't think he can get himself is playing shape unsupervised. He will come to camp behind the 8 ball.


Let's say the foot/toe injury is true...that's even worse...the toe killed Ogden's career.


I'll trust Preston's statement on Cousins based on last years performance. I've read some quotes from Cousins and he sounds super motivated and focused. He sees an opportuntity.

Now...can he grab the apple?


I am fed up with Gaither and his attitude. The guy sounds like a lazy POS. And I would not put much weight into that Preston comment on Cousins, it sounded like a fact-less, one line, opinionated claim. Cousins might have been bad last season, but I heard he has been working hard this offseason. If he can be average at RT for us, we should be fine. Remember, we won the Super Bowl with Harry Swayne as our RT.

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  • 3 weeks later...

The gooey one speaks.



Suggs defends skipping OTAs

Posted by Michael David Smith on June 30, 2010 6:51 AM ET

Ravens outside linebacker Terrell Suggs raised eyebrows by skipping organized team activities, with some observers questioning whether he's no longer committed to staying in shape after signing a huge contract extension last year.


But Suggs says he stands by his decision.


"As far as the OTAs thing goes, a lot of guys get hurt," Suggs said, per Dan Kolko of MASNsports.com. "I don't think a lot of guys would like to take that risk. It's OTAs, we're not winning any games or any Super Bowls in OTAs, so I'd rather just stick to my training and be in top shape come training camp."


Suggs showed up to training camp out of shape last year and ended the season with a career-low 4.5 sacks. He says this year he's working out on his own and fitness won't be an issue.


"Some guys need to be under the supervision of the coaches and the strength coaches and working out with the team, but some guys just don't need that," Suggs said. "Some guys, it's better for them to work individually with a trainer. I've always worked out with a trainer, and it's worked out thus far for me pretty good. But some guys do feel as though they work better with the team, within the group."


Suggs is only 27 years old, and there's no reason he can't bounce back from his disappointing 2009 and have a big 2010. No reason, that is, if he shows up to training camp in shape.

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whatever... I am a high performer at my job and given the choice between working from home and commuting an hour a day to Hunt valley just to be in the office, I would still work from home. Personalize this before you judge folks.


....however, sometimes it is better to be in the office working with your colleagues and building up a good team chemistry in order for things to work better/more efficiently in the future.


There are 2 sides to every coin. Personally, I would have liked to see him turn up to at least half the OTAs. They are less about working out than they are about learning and growing as a team.

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"I've always worked out with a trainer, and it's worked out thus far for me pretty good."


and yet...


Suggs showed up to training camp out of shape last year and ended the season with a career-low 4.5 sacks. He says this year he's working out on his own and fitness won't be an issue.
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BMoreHon.... apparently you have shown you can do that.


As pointed out, Suggs hasn't. In fact, last year was his WORST year - right after a huge contract.


Maybe the team can help with that?


If you performed as poorly as Suggs did last year, at least relative to expectations and salary, odds are your job wouldn't give you the option anymore.

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Lets add from the mouth of Mark Viviano. Suggs told him that at times he had know idea what he was supposed to be doing last yr. That is what classroom time is for. That is what OTA's is alot of.


Also his numbers have been going down since his first 2 seasons. I also think he would produce more is he tried hard all the time.

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BMoreHon.... apparently you have shown you can do that.


As pointed out, Suggs hasn't. In fact, last year was his WORST year - right after a huge contract.


Maybe the team can help with that?


If you performed as poorly as Suggs did last year, at least relative to expectations and salary, odds are your job wouldn't give you the option anymore.



got you....even with a 2% raise in this economy you appreciate it. Suggs should too. I just don't know what would revolutionarily change him a couple voluntary weeks. Seems his showing up is more political. Ugh why does it have to be political????

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