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It is now time to talk about the draft


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Me too, with the pro game. Between the rule changes, the terrible officiating and my biggest issue, all the commercial breaks. After a kick off, after chanage of posession, after a score, then after the subsiquent kickoff, injuries, reviews, ridiculous.


I much prefer the college game now,the atmospher is better and with as many as 10 games on at the same time, I can switch back & forth and rarely see a commercial. I can see a time when I no longer watch NFL football, something I would never think possible. I've been in "love" with the game since I was a small boy watching it with my father.


Even night games now, I don't watch or watch very little of. Sleep is more important to me. If the Ravens are playing at night I might stay up to watch it to the half (like last night's game). Televisoon on the whole is much the same. I dvr shows now to get away from all the commercials....

Ditto here. I still love watching the game - both college and pro - but money & commercialization has watered it down.

Plus, its become a league that, in my opinion, that has "over" emphasized offense. Its almost become a flag/arena football league.


Like Grubber, I still miss the grit and substance of the Ravens 2000 SB team. Unfortunately, in todays NFL, we aren't likely to ever see that again.


As it stands, I'll continue to watch but with some reservation.

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Me too, with the pro game. Between the rule changes, the terrible officiating and my biggest issue, all the commercial breaks. After a kick off, after chanage of posession, after a score, then after the subsiquent kickoff, injuries, reviews, ridiculous.


I much prefer the college game now,the atmospher is better and with as many as 10 games on at the same time, I can switch back & forth and rarely see a commercial. I can see a time when I no longer watch NFL football, something I would never think possible. I've been in "love" with the game since I was a small boy watching it with my father.


Even night games now, I don't watch or watch very little of. Sleep is more important to me. If the Ravens are playing at night I might stay up to watch it to the half (like last night's game). Televisoon on the whole is much the same. I dvr shows now to get away from all the commercials....

This is the kind of thing I have been warning about that is coming to the NFL. People think the NFL will keep up these numbers forever. I think they are insane.

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Me too, with the pro game. Between the rule changes, the terrible officiating and my biggest issue, all the commercial breaks. After a kick off, after chanage of posession, after a score, then after the subsiquent kickoff, injuries, reviews, ridiculous.


I much prefer the college game now,the atmospher is better and with as many as 10 games on at the same time, I can switch back & forth and rarely see a commercial. I can see a time when I no longer watch NFL football, something I would never think possible. I've been in "love" with the game since I was a small boy watching it with my father.


Even night games now, I don't watch or watch very little of. Sleep is more important to me. If the Ravens are playing at night I might stay up to watch it to the half (like last night's game). Televisoon on the whole is much the same. I dvr shows now to get away from all the commercials....


I have to say I do agree with some of what you said but have found a better way to watch the game at least for me in the UK. RedZone is the way forward. I don't get commercial breaks with RedZone. It flicks between all the games when teams get in scoring range. It shows you a big play if it happens to get a team into scoring range. It will show you replays of all the scores. I will watch the Ravens game and then flick to redzone as soon as it goes to commercial. For primetime games like the Steelers game I don't even bother staying up anymore. I just watch it the next day on Game Pass which allows me to watch commercial free (which is amazing). They also have a condensed broadcast in Game Pass which allows me to watch an entire game condensed into 60minutes which comes without replays and commercials. Really good if you want to watch some other games but don't want to spend 3 hours or just watch the highlights.


I can't agree with you on the officiating though. If you think the NFL refs are bad then watch any game that involves Pac-12 officials and then you will appreciate what a fine job NFL officials do. The officiating is ruining college ball for me more than it's ruining the NFL.

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NFL Game Pass is the way to go and I love Redzone.

It's highly important to me to watch the Ravens "live" and I love going to home games. Then I'll watch Game pass...love the coaches video too.

I will not watch any night games and I hate Thursday night games and I really do not like going to night games and crawling into work with no sleep.


Parity, watered down football and football with no defense is creating the beginning of the end for me.

Expansion will probably end my willingness to pay so much money to go to games and follow this sport. I won't be a sucker making below average joes millionaires.


Every team will end up with secondaries like the Ravens...only these guys will be filthy rich.

Count me out when that day comes.

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I find it interesting how so far people see an end for themselves for being willing to watch the NFL brand. It is looking pretty unanimous so far for people having a limit.

Yep...I've starting to feel the same way as Max. I hate night games, I speed though commercials by DVR'ing the games. The commercial breaks have been so many it has gotten intolerable. The teams talent are drastically watered down. There's too many franchises and not enough talent to fill them out with competent players.


The constant rule changes and differing interpretations are crazy.


I've been an NFL fan for 56 years. To me, the league hit its sweet spot back in the '60s to '70s. I've kept watching all these years because I really have loved the game itself but the love affair is almost over for me.

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I find it interesting how so far people see an end for themselves for being willing to watch the NFL brand. It is looking pretty unanimous so far for people having a limit.


It's actually sad. I'm a rabid fan....getting worn down.

Yea...I can see the writing on the wall.

I gave up my Orioles seasson tickets years ago safter watching players hit .200 who couldn't field a ball yet to be rewarded with a $5 mil a year contract. $50 for 3 hot dogs, 3 sodas and 3 fries...plus the ticket prices....I felt like one big sucker.


And sports coverage has changed to "Days of our lives" focusing on off the field issues, lifestyles an anything not PC. They hang around like vultures waiting for a football player to make a verbal mistake and then crucify them. Throw in the wife beatings, drugs, dog killings ect....way too much money being made on stuff off the field. It's one huge distraction.


I go to watch the game.

Fuck all this video, game day enhancement stuff to try and make me feel warm and cozy.

Give me football.

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That is just the point; "cable" is as far as I will go to "pay" to watch. Between the game play being poor, to the anouncers being horrible in calling the games, there is no way I spend my cash paying to watch the NFL on tv.


College is great, all the games are "free" with my service. I do agree RavenMadd, the college officials, espcially in the Pac-12 are bad. These are the guys moving up in the NFL, you can't be an NFL official unless you have done so in College for the most part. I know it is not as easy as most fans think, but it also isn't as difficult as the NFL and news media make it out to be. Oh and things are just going to get worse with the way it is going.


The NFL player pool is fine, the talent now adays is far better and deeper than it has ever been because coaching at lower levels, even down to the pop warner leagues is far better than it has ever been. The issue is coaching in the NFL for the most part, not just head coaching, but position coaches; not very good.


Then you factor in the changes to head coaches for teams, and the different philosophy, it is a big deal switching from a Tampa 2 defense to man based scheme. This is why Tampa, of all teams, traded away a very good player they drafted high, for a low draft pick. Oh well......... Back to the draft...........

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The NFL player pool is fine, the talent now adays is far better and deeper than it has ever been because coaching at lower levels, even down to the pop warner leagues is far better than it has ever been. The issue is coaching in the NFL for the most part, not just head coaching, but position coaches; not very good.


It's funny that you bring up coaching. I'm not sure that the coaching is entirely the problem. I think the league and players f'ed up when they agreed to a limited number of practices and practice time etc. That has reduced how prepared some players are to play especially the backups who would benefit the most from coaching. Repetition is how you learn and memorize anything and players just aren't getting the same reps anymore.


Plus these players are getting paid a full time salary, get yourself into work and you know do some work. Not being able to be in contact with coaches during the offseason is a complete joke.

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I will never pay a dime to watch a sporting event. If it is not on local television, I won't bother. That is regardless of sport, and I'm probably a bigger NASCAR fan than NFL fan (and half of each season of NASCAR has been on TNT/ESPN since 2007). I think it is ludicrous to spend the amount of money that is required to watch commercials nearly 40% of the time, all in the name of justifying $120 million salaries for average players and $1.4 billion dollar stadiums that are already paid for in large part by my taxes.

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It's funny that you bring up coaching. I'm not sure that the coaching is entirely the problem. I think the league and players f'ed up when they agreed to a limited number of practices and practice time etc. That has reduced how prepared some players are to play especially the backups who would benefit the most from coaching. Repetition is how you learn and memorize anything and players just aren't getting the same reps anymore.


Plus these players are getting paid a full time salary, get yourself into work and you know do some work. Not being able to be in contact with coaches during the offseason is a complete joke.

I whole haertedly agree.

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The NFL player pool is fine, the talent now adays is far better and deeper than it has ever been because coaching at lower levels, even down to the pop warner leagues is far better than it has ever been. The issue is coaching in the NFL for the most part, not just head coaching, but position coaches; not very good.



I think the talent was better distributed in the 50s-70s. The 1958 Colts produced 5 Hall of Famers on a roster that only had about 38 players. And the Packers had close to that in the 60s. And the Steelers in the 70s.

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I think the talent was better distributed in the 50s-70s. The 1958 Colts produced 5 Hall of Famers on a roster that only had about 38 players. And the Packers had close to that in the 60s. And the Steelers in the 70s.




There is a reason there were more "dynasties" in those eras than there are today..... less talent league wide....

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I know, I know, playoffs, you wann talk playoffs...........


If you are around the booby box today, one great receiver is currently playing (ok, two, but the one I speak of) is Tony Lippet for Michigan State. 6-3, 180, a little light but he can easily bulk up without losing his blazing speed.


Great hands, large hands, big catch radious and does he have quicks. which helps him get off press coverage very well...


He can also play corner, currently does for a some what depleted St secondary, and return kicks...


As I said, there are a solid 8-10 receivers coming out this draft who will make an immediate impact, much as the receivers from last year's draft have.


The reason is simple; better coaching, more access to better coaching..... Oh Happy New Year!

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Larry Fitz will likely be available. I know Ozzie was trying hard to get him a few years ago, now, I hope he doesn't. Fitz has lost several steps.


Draft is the way to go, these guys are almost can't miss now a day, not even the Ravens could mess them up...........

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Larry Fitz will likely be available. I know Ozzie was trying hard to get him a few years ago, now, I hope he doesn't. Fitz has lost several steps.


Draft is the way to go, these guys are almost can't miss now a day, not even the Ravens could mess them up...........

Yea if you get a top 20 pick

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